The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

A few things that I have learned about using high res photoreal scenery:
1) speedier HD random read access will help reduce the effect of blurries, so upgrading to a faster HD or better SSD will help, making sure you're using SATA2 and keep your HD in tidy shape (ie defrag and proper install as per links I posted, no need with SSD)
2) More CPU power will also help reduce blurrier as it also part CPU dependant processing the textures that are displayed, so throttling your FPS is useful (ie FPS lock @20-30fps) giving the processor more cycles to deal with other matter like scenery display and LOD radius, keeping the system processors tidy under task manager, ie not running stuff that has nothing to do with FSX and is hogging CPU resources (even virus checkers - esp their resident shield, can be a system hog, best to exclude the entire FSX path from the shield) or switch off virus checker while using FSX.
3) The more texture detail you have selected and the higher the texture per pixel is for the scenery (ie NL2000v4 is very high, 30 or 15cm I think) the more it will push your system and thus blurries will occur more often.
4) SPEED SPEED SPEED, the faster you fly, the more likely the blurries will occur. Best to start with the default powered hanglider, fly @50knots and see what results you get. Then try something faster and see when the blurries become a real problem, so try to stick below your sweet spot speed. BTW you could also reduce the time compression while flying which will give your system more time to deal with blurries, in effect reducing your actual speed (ie time compression at 1/2 would make an aircraft travelling at 200knots only travel at 100knots). This is very useful when flying purely VFR or just wanna enjoy the scenery. You can speed things up again once you land.

I hope the above tips will help ya.
For REX users do not forget that is if you use maximum texture resolution under REX options of course. This will hit your FPS btw. Also, once you are happy with whatever taxi/runway etc textures, make sure you switch them off once you installed them under the option menu. So next time you only want to change the cloud set for instance, only have that ticked under the option menu, otherwise it will reinstall all your textures which can take a while!

As for weather, I use the FSX load latest weather option which IMO works fine, both REX weather and AE weather can also be used via network through either Simconnect or WideFS I believe, so keeping your FSX PC, resource free.
Sorry folks, been pretty busy but will try to catch up with some of your posts now. Remember that although I am fairly experienced with the uses of FSX, its 3rd party addons and some of the technical aspects, I am in no way an expert compared to many simmers who have been doing this for donkey years. Hence why I give links to these thread on many expert opinions and suggestions. Another good source of information posts/threads can be found at just pick the relevant forum, whether its hardware, software, want to find out how to fly properly etc etc.

Like I said before, FSX is a beast that takes time to tame and to learn. The more addons you use with it, the prettier it can look but the more demanding it gets on both system use and maintenance, ie more likely you will need to tweak it depending on what you have and trying to do. The more powerful rig you have, the less you should need to tweak it, many high end users are starting to run FSX with a clean FSX.cfg nowadays.

Not sure that you will want the first 2 really - I found them to be a terrible hit on perf although they did look good. Well UTX anyway.

I posted the problem with UTX in a post above, as mentioned in the link I have on page 1 (Nick's guide to setting up FSX), it mentions there is a problem with the way UTX handles road traffic and recommend you completely switch it off in the UTX setup tool.

I terms of performance hit by how much? cause it's a vast improvement on the default FSX texture.

See above

How can I best find out, if and how any scenery disks are fully active? I bought quite a lot of these a while back, and some of them came as massive 4-DVD sets, but the result was always disappointing. They're whole world scenery sets and a few regional ones as well.

In fact, although I could see a slight difference and there were new buildings and landmarks around, it looked nothing like the screenies here, or on the boxes. It just looked to me as if the general settings had been moved to a slightly higher level and optimised a bit, nothing much more than that.

For instance, on the first page of this thread, Soya (in the second batch of screenies, third picture from the top), flying low, shows a view of some houses so detailed and individually different, that I know there's something wrong with my setup, but I can't find out what it might be.

On the other hand, on page 2 beefkeef shows (4th picture fomr the top) a typical scenery view that I get as well, and that's just not good enough. I seem to get that with added scenery disks. It looks nothing like those screenies of Soya's, and I feel that's what it should look like.

The extra sceneries are listed in the GUI and apparently in the correct order too, but I feel I must be doing something wrong. Has anyone got any tips for me? Perhaps a site with checklists or something?

You can check if anything is active by looking at the scenery library option in FSX, or at the scenery.cfg file. If it listed and ticked, then it should be active. What you seem to be referring to mostly is not so much the ground texturing but the autogen texturing (so the 3d objects like housing/buildings etc). Now I mentioned this before somewhere in this thread about sceneries and ground textures but will reiterate, FSX default scenery with autogen on max, displays very generic ground textures and autogen, ie everything looks the same where ever you go. This will be bland but it runs the best of especially low end systems. Next up is things like UTX/GEX/FScene etc. They replace FSX default generic ground and autogen textures making a marginal improvement, where their improvement mainly lies is in the actual placement of textures and autogen. They tend to make cities more look like cities and their geographical placement is more accurate then FSX default, but still in the end generic. A good thing to read are reviews done by AVSIM, here is one on UTX & GEX easiest way to find out about an addon is simply get to google search, type review utx europe and see if there is decent review up there, usually AVSIM has a review on most popular addons.

I divide sceneries up in 4 basic categories:
1) Default FSX generic scenery, basic, plain but it does the job. Pros, takes up the least HD space and least system resources. Cons, visually not very appealing.
2) Replacement generic scenery like FScene/UTX/GEX etc, replaces default FSX scenery with more detailed and accurate generic textures and objects. Pros, takes up more HD space then FSX default but still fairly small footprint considering they cover vast areas of the globe, looks better and more accurate placement of towns/rivers/roads etc. Cons, still look generic and fairly plain.
3) Photoreal scenery without autogen, whether freeware like Blue Sky Scenery,, or payware like VFR Real Scenery England. These are sceneries purely replacing ground textures with photoreal data imagery. These can come in different flavours depending on the amount of detail they have, ie pixel per metre as they will be referred to, 1M per pixel is about the minimum which is where most of these sceneries will be in. Pros, more accurate detail on the areas they cover, usually look good at high altitude (5000-6000 feet+), much better looking then generic textures as it is taken from satellite imagery. Cons: Will take up much more HD space and covers smaller areas, because in a way you are looking at a photograph, the image will always be the same (no seasonal changes), depending on the ppm and age of the scenery package, it can look pretty rubbish compared to most recent photoreal releases (ie NL2000v4) as I presume there is better ways to deal with converting the satellite imagery to FSX textures nowadays. Plus many photoreal sceneries do not offer any new autogen textures, indeed many do not even use default autogen, which means on the ground/takeoff/landing and low altitude flying, the landscape will seem very flat and 2D. This is not so much of an issue when flying at high alltitude, everything will look flat anyways, autogen or not.
4) High detailed Photoreal with custom autogen, whether freeware like the excellent NL2000v4 (best I have seen so far) or payware like megasceneries X series or FTX Australia and Pacific Northwest. These sceneries often show not only high quality ground textures (usually 30 ppm or higher) but also some use handplaced or even handbuild build autogen which really can look smart. Best that I have seen is FTX Pacific North West and Earth Simulations Alderney and Isles of Scilly (that is what you see in that picture you mentioned). Especially Earth Simulations Alderney and Isles of Scilly is superb, not only highly detailed satellite imagery but custom places and build autogen which makes VFR flying a real treat. Downside is that it covers only a small area, as it takes tremendous work to make such customised scenery, anything larger would take years/decade to make. Pros, to me this is the best way to fly, some sceneries even offer a seasonal change but this is rare and would mean more HD space, detail at nearly any altitude can be fantastic, like in the shots you mentioned (page 1 second batch 3rd from top) that is taken from the Isles of Scilly, handbuild and painted autogen and placed in the correct geographical location do look stunning when you fly over it. Cons: will take up huge HD space (NL2000v4 complete is @35GB installed) or it will cover just small areas like Alderney and Isles of Scilly, still beautiful but only for slow VFR or helo flying. Although some offer seasonal changes (Earth Simulations) most are just 1 set season with perhaps some changes in autogen during seasonal changes.

That is about it. Hope it helps your views on sceneries.
@ Soya: Thank you very much for going into that detail. Now I know that my expectations were just too high.

To sum up my feelings about world scenery: I don't really think it's worth the money for the difference it seems to make. As I wrote, I see a difference, but not that much that I'd recommend it.

A different matter then would be individual scenery over a small area. As I wrote, I have some covering a few islands on the German coast, and from what I've seen of it, it does make a big difference, the only marked improvement I actually noticed. I'll be concentrating on individual small area sceneries in future, something I've not done extensively before.

This really helped.

No problem, if you mostly interested in the German areas then payware wise Aerosoft I believe does much German airfields/airports and sceneries. Just need to look and dig around for any freeware or payware stuff for global areas you want to fly in. Like I mentioned, both FTX and Earth simulations do some great scenery work, but each target their specific global areas.

Soya out of the all the points which of the freeware/payware add-on scenery would you recomend? iv'e quickly checked out blue sky scenery, not really sure on that im thinking GEX with scenerytech. UTX seems pointless unless you want cars which you will rarely see.

It really depends if you have a preference where to fly. I personally prefer Europe but I will also fly over US occasionally. I never bother with Asia/South America/Africa/Australia (eventhough FTX has designed superb scenery for the entire Australian continent), I just wouldn't fly there. So any decent scenery covering those areas, I would consider. My suggestions at this time would be, NL2000v4, possible VFR Germany (north/south/west/east), Blue Sky Scenery does very good photoreal cover for much of the US, Megascenery X is pretty good 2. As for airports, Aerosoft deal with most of the European airports, majority are very good. Also Ozx website if worth checking out, much freeware stuff worthy on there,
FSX alas is well known for CTD with out of memory errors during long haul flights. Depending on both hardware/addons and which tweaks you have, FSX can CTD during a long flight (again, some systems can cope with more then others). I heard a tip about reducing the frustration for long haul flights by using FSUIPC (can be used free just not fully functional) and using the autosave option within the FSUIPC menu. So save every 10 or 15 or so and you can even choose how many saves you want to keep. That should at least not waste your entire flight if suddenly FSX ctd after a hour+ flight.

Soya where did you get the b-52 addon from cannot seem to find it???

From Captain Sim,, it only has the exterior model atm, the VC is in the works. The model is however superb, as seen in mu shots.

SSD waiting at home for me today - can't wait to see what difference it makes to FSX!

Grats and have fun. Remember to read up about how to best install FSX on SSD (I remember reading about a certain way to format it) should be plenty on it in either nick's guide or on avsim hardware section.
excelent so it doesn't use VC but does it use the the default B747 Cockpit?

Correct, they only brought out the external model due to the fact they weren't sure if there was enough interest for them to design the entire model (which requires more time and money to be invested). Hence why it is only 10 Euros, but a new B-52 model is being build complete with VC and proper flight models as we speak. Check out the CS forums to keep up to date on that account.

Going through NickN's guide at the moment. It's terribly long!

Only bother reading the part under Storage Performance plus there is a link there as well worth checking out.
No problem, CS is one of the best makers of aircraft addon albeit somewhat expensive. You can also buy their products via other Etailers like Just Flight. In fact, I believe they do a special Light version of most of CS product, cheaper but more simplified flight system as CS products are pretty complex.

I just bit the bullet and bought CS 707-300, they just released service pack 1.1 for it and the video here makes it look very nice. It is expensive but then again, you are getting a pretty detailed aircraft with complex flight model.
If you're patient CS have a yearly sale were most stuff is a fraction of the normal price.

This is something I forgot to mention, if you are patient then nearly all major FS Etailers, even Captain Sim, will on occasion offer some real bargain, usually around the holidays or special events. Best thing is to either be on the mailing list of your favourite FS Etailer and/or keep a regular eye on their sales. Also both the news page on AVSIM and FlightSim will often have these special offers listed in their news. Thanks for the reminder.

Followed NickN's guide completely - still getting the microstutters even with the SSD! Not really impressed I have to say. Texture loading is great, flights load up in about 10secs but still these stutters annoy the life out of me.

You should try the FPS limiter program, I am pretty sure it is mentioned in Nick's guide, if you cannot find a DL link just do a google search for FSX FPS LIMITER DOWNLOAD. It works really well for many FSX users especially when it comes to micro stutters. It is a small external mod that force DX9 to limit its frame output within FSX, lets say you set it to 25, then you set FSX fps to unlimited. The results are a more even FPS and smoother for most folks that use it. Give it a try.

Soya - I was one of the many people who said you should create a thread all about your FSX endeavours and I am so glad you have made a place I can visit and admire the excellent shots you post, as well as Videos now!

Very well done :)

A suggestion, could you list up all your hardware and software that you use you in your first post?

Thanks, glad you enjoy it and I hope there will be some tips in this thread if you are a FSX user. Will try to update my first post with the hardware I use (I did make a hardware list on a reply on page 2) but for software, there is simply to much to mention. I usually list the addons for the screen shots I post or there are many suggestions if you read through this thread.

As I mentioned many times, FSX is a beast to tame, depending on your hardware & software, it can take much time and effort to make it run smoothly.

From my own experience with FSX and ATI, the main things that should really help:
1) Try running it DX10 preview mode, it handles both the bloom and shaders in a way ATI is much better at.
2) When running in DX9 try testing it out with Bojo's Shader 3 mod, FSX uses shader 2 and ATIs arent very good with it (ie especially large volumes of cloud), I got better results when I still had my 4870x2.
3) Use the FPS limiter which can help with microstutters and stutters in general.
4) REMEMBER, if you are running a weather engine in the background while running FSX, this can cause some major slowdown, either make sure your hardware/resource can cope with it, or run the weather engine via another PC (using wideFS or simconnect) or remove the weather program for now and use the in game weather engine, which IMO is pretty good.

I know it can be frustrating when you don't get the results you want or hoped for, but either put up with it, persevere and keep patiently changing things to try and improve or indeed wait for the next sim. (Although I doubt the next sim will be as open their previous version, my guess it will be completely DLC and no 3rd party addons will be allowed)

PS if you think it is indeed REXs weather engine (and from what I have heard it can be somewhat of a resource hog) either try my suggestion of running it on another PC, or use another 'lighter' live weather program. REX's forums btw are very good and perhaps you can find some helpful solutions or answer on getting the weather engine to run on your PC.
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I decided to get the latest Captain Sim model, the 707, as they brought out the v1.1 service pack yesterday. Took her out for a quick spin and I must say, they did an amazing job modelling this classic bird. See for yourself.

Enjoy these unedited resized shots:










Thanks for viewing.
I tend to keep all my tweaks away from the FSX.CFG file, keeping that as much as possible to default, instead I use separate .cfg file that you loadup via the option menu in FSX. ie when you save your graphic settings in FSX it save it to a x.CFG, find that file and enter the tweaks in there. This way you can load up different tweaks depending on your setup/addons or flight.
Tried to play the video but comes up with error. What media played you use and which codec? Can't be standard cause I got them all loaded on this PC.
I found this which is a good read and perhaps has some tips on improving things.

Just watched the video and I can tell you (I use trackIR) when I put it on wing view, then the sideways scrolling land textures (from left to right or vice versa) is definitely not as smooth as I pan the same view with trackIR to face forward or backward on the wing view, so the textures are scrolling top to bottom or vice versa. Now the stutter in mine can be seen but is nowhere near as severe as in your video. I am 90% sure you should be able to improve on it, unless it is either CPU/GFX limited (state your cpu & gfx please for the record). Read that guide and it might give you some ideas and tweak you can try to improve it. But like I said, sideways scrolling textures close by (distant sideways scrolling seems smooth to me here) do 'jump' or 'tear' a little.
Greetings fellow simmers,

It has been a really good week for me when it comes to flight simming, not only have I enjoyed my recently acquired CS707 (see my previous screen shot post) but I have also been indulging myself with the latest offering from McPhat for the CS757, their continuation on the UHDT (Ultra High Definition Texture) range, CS757 World Airlines 3. Here we have another 5 sublime hand painted UHDT liveries for Captain Sim's 757, Air Berlin/British Airways/Eastern Airlines/United Airways/US Airways. I simply adore the detail with these UHDT paints, it makes my flying experience more enjoyable as I admire the view and detail on these rivet-laden beauties. They say 'A picture can speak a thousand words' then let the following pictures tells the words I cannot.

Enjoy these unedited resized shots:










As always, thank you for your time viewing these.

PS I hope to post some more on each of these excellent liveries in the near future, with some close-ups so you can count the rivets!
Here is a selection of hand picked shots taken from various angles & closeups of the Eastern Airlines series.
(Entire series can be viewed at your leisure here -> UHDTs/Eastern Promises/?albumview=slideshow)
Eastern Airlines unedited and resized:
(taking off/flying above & landing at FlyTampa's Kai-Tak airport)











(flying above freeware NL2000v4)





***Eastern Airlines lightly edited and resized***




As always, thank you for your time to view these.
Thanks, that is indeed CS 757 but I bought it from Just Flight instead of directly from CS (was a special offer at the time). If you are not sure which plane to choose, then I highly recommend reading some reviews (google search for reviews captain sim - avsim usually has good reviews) and also check out Captain Sims forums. There are plenty of posts there that will give you good/bad side of each aircraft and you can decide which you would prefer. Their latest one, the 707, is visually pretty stunning but also fairly expensive (not that it is not worth it with all that it offers but still compared to others) plus there are still many outstanding problems listed on the forums. Their cheapest a/c is the B-52, it looks great but it is cheap cause it doesn't have a modelled VC or proper flight model (uses default 747). But if you are like me, no much interest in detailed flight model/VC but more in the external looks of the a/c, then that's perfect.


PS. Don't forget the above shots are taken from McPhat's payware liveries which will need to be bought separately from the actual a/c. I personally think the UHDT liveries are easily one of the best things that has happened to FSX, once you use them, any other standard painted livery will seem completely dull, plain and ugly.
Good luck with that Devrij, should see a nice loading performance increase.

In the meantime

/me plays "The Flower Duet" by Léo Delibes.

Some of you still may remember the British Airways adverts nearly 2 decades ago (during the 90's)and I decided to do a series commemorating The 'back then' World's Favourite Airline and the BA 757 which is due to leave the BA fleet of November of this year, The Last of the Mohica... erm... BA 757s. For this series I will be using Captain Sim's 757 with the BA UHDT Livery from McPhat CS757 World Airlines 3.

Here is a selection of 20 hand picked unedited and resized shots from a series of 40 shots (which can be viewed at your leisure here -> Favourite Airline/?albumview=slideshow):
(Parking/taxiing at UK2000's Manchester airport)






(flying above the clouds and above my favourite NL2000v4 scenery)














I hope you enjoyed the view and the trip down memory lane.
Nice shots guys, looking better all the time. Glad you all getting on with FSX and starting to enjoy it more. That last shot though, your pilots like a bit of fresh air then with the door open and all :)
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