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The oh gawd, I want an 8800 thread

24 Mar 2006
I so want to get an 8800, my x800 bravo is getting abit long in the tooth and I dont want to play the latest games on it, I want to play them how they were meant to be played!!

Anyone know when the price will drop abit or a cheaper version will come out? I only game at 1280x1024 so maybe th 8800gts is overkill for now...
An 8800GTS 320 would be good for that resolution, and would allow max settings in your games, although that ATI card on the post above sure is cheap!!
Nooo.. Don't buy it I was looking at that myself and there's only 1!! :p

It looks so tempting.. but no.. gotta hold out for cheap DX10. Not sure why, don't plan on going vista for a good while yet.
MrRoboto said:
I really wish you hadn't posted that. I must resist temptation ......the children need shoes.....oh gawd, they can walk around in socks...I want one.

best post ever ! do i buy a new Graphics Card or get the children shoes :p :)
I want a 8800GTS (640MB version) so bad. My X1900XT is fine at the mo as i game at 1280 x 1024 but i will be upgrading my monitor in the summer so i will need something better. If i can get a good price for my X1900XT now then i will probably get the GTS. I just hope it fits in my super lanboy :p
Is it really still worth buying a 1950pro now though? A GTS will play the latest games completly maxed and the next generation at medium high at the resolution I use. A 1950pro will be out of date in 6-9 months when dx10 games come out, and it will be so sad missing out on all the dx10 patches :(
spb251272 said:
An 8800GTS 320 would be good for that resolution, and would allow max settings in your games, although that ATI card on the post above sure is cheap!!

honestly thats the kinda thing that persaudes people to part with more cash than they need to. sure a 8800gts 320 would be faster than 1950pro/xt at 1280x1024, but i don't think i could name a single game, maybe oblivion, which would run at better quality settings on the 8800gts and suddenly be playable. *** 1900/1950 series in general all offer more than enough juice to run ANY game at maximum quality at more than playable fps. the only place last gen suffers is a few games at 1600x1200 but mostly at 1920x1200. for instance, due to the insane amount of dynamic lighting used(which is HDR) in stalker a not great looking engine takes an insane amount of power to run with HDR in full, i get 200fps without 60-80for with it on with a 8800gtx. but a 1900xt allows you to run stalker, one of the most demanding games with HDR enabled, in full quality at 1600x1200, and pretty decent framerate at 1920x1200.

the 320gts i keep telling everyone is a very very silly card. it has the core power to run any current game at way over acceptable framerates at 1920x1200, but the memory means its SLOWER than a 256mb x1900xt at that resolution. so why buy it, either stump up fairly little extra for the 640mb version or save your money.

you will have a load more FPS with a 8800gts over a x1900pro/xt at 1280x1024, but your gaming experience will not change at all. 60-90fps doesn't matter.

also worth noting that a x1950pro is £100 now and won't lose value quickly at all, where as a 8800series card will depreciate much faster. if you bought a x1950 now, you could probo sell it on in 6 months for a £30 loss, at that point the 8900 series will be out, or whatever they call it, the R600 and the 8800gts will all go down in value hugely. I would say that 1950pro would make an excellent value stop gap card until all the new cards are out(even if just 2 months for all the R600's) and for all the new prices to spread out.
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MrRoboto said:
I really wish you hadn't posted that. I must resist temptation ......the children need shoes.....oh gawd, they can walk around in socks...I want one.

lol ^^ don't give them shoes or socks, buy a GTX! overkill for the win :D
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jim5000 said:
While I agree that is all sensible..... I want an 8800!!!!! :D

me too :(

but i do play in 1650x1200(or dual screen when supported and other monitor hasn't just blown :( ) . but i'm a sucker, and i know it. meh, i did expect a couple more games to be out by now, theres only like 1-2 titles that have benefited from the 8800gtx so far, and some have suffered, like STALKER< because i'm on Vista. ok, honestly i have't tried it with dynamic lighting since first day, but it was crashing every few mins with it on, off and played it right through without another crash. might be some combo to get it working but, pretty lights don't make a game anyway, they couldn't stop weakass textures or sprite style vegetation look better :p

i also got my 8800gtx for £300, well if i'm honest, with vat it was a lot more................ £307 ha. i'm probo going R600 when its out, or a lower end version, the xt or something, and i shouldn't make any loss when selling this bad boy so seemed like a no brainer ;)
Teach your kids to walk on their hands. Make some extra money putting them to work in a circus, then buy two 8800 GTX's, with cash to spare for a nice curry.
banja said:
Teach your kids to walk on their hands. Make some extra money putting them to work in a circus, then buy two 8800 GTX's, with cash to spare for a nice curry.

do you have kids? ;)

edit: 500 posts woohoo
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