The one that flew away

17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
I was wandering around the garden, camera in hand after work today. Had the 100mm macro and a 36mm extension tube on because I'd been unsucessfully trying to photograph ants. Anyway, I walked past a bush and heard a buzzing. Focussed on this big fella and took the snap. Had a look at the preview and felt quite pleased with myself - I've never managed to take a really nice bumble bee shot.

However, upon loading it into Rawshooter I discovered that stupid head had accidentally knocked the aperture down to F4.5 and managed to focus perfectly on the bee's abdomen instead of its head This is literally a full frame shot too. The detail is stunning - you can see all the tiny grains of pollen stuck to his legs. His head just isn't in focus Wish they'd stay still longer so you could make sure your aperture was set correctly.

Damn it, damn me and damn the blasted bee!!


Here are some others taken today too. Still trying to get the perfect ant shot. They're just too quick for me.

I'm so pleased with this shot:

Pond skater:

I just can't resist photographing garden spiders. They're so beautifully patterned.

Amazing Bee shot LK, it's still something to be proud of even though the focus plane / depth of field is not completely perfect.
What's the massive yellow lump on one of the bees legs? :)
Not complaining, just curious!

2 is fantastico. That lighting is just... Fab
Nicely captured pond skater - the bits of his legs that are touching the water are tres cool.
Mr. Spider is cool too, but peronally I'd rather like to see a bit more of his web. He went to all the trouble of making it, after all!
(Don't give me any of that crap about it being for catching food)
hoodmeister said:
What's the massive yellow lump on one of the bees legs? :)

Probably pollen.

Awesome shots Kate! :)

The detail is incredible! 100mm macro + extension tubes - thats soem serious close up!
Yes it's pollen, as are all the dusty particles that he's covered in. Bees have sticky pads on their legs which collect pollen whilst the bee is feeding on the nectar of the flower. They are responsible for pollinating all these plant. It's an amazing tale of co-evolution. Flowers feed the bees, and beens pollinate the flowers :)
Lostkat said:
Yes it's pollen, as are all the dusty particles that he's covered in. Bees have sticky pads on their legs which collect pollen whilst the bee is feeding on the nectar of the flower. They are responsible for pollinating all these plant. It's an amazing tale of co-evolution. Flowers feed the bees, and beens pollinate the flowers :)

If you want to see bees come to my parents house - they have 4 beehives in the back garden. They even sell honey from the front door. :)
Those certainly are impressive!

What's the exact model of that lens? Would be interested in getting one of those myself if that's the detail that they're capable of! :)
Lostkat said:
Yes it's pollen, as are all the dusty particles that he's covered in. Bees have sticky pads on their legs which collect pollen whilst the bee is feeding on the nectar of the flower. They are responsible for pollinating all these plant. It's an amazing tale of co-evolution. Flowers feed the bees, and beens pollinate the flowers :)

I knew the smaller stuff was pollen, that just seemed like a darn big clump of it to me :eek:

hoodmeister said:
I knew the smaller stuff was pollen, that just seemed like a darn big clump of it to me :eek:

You've never seen a bee close up? Have a look next time you're near one. Most of them have the big yellow lumps on their legs where the pollen has collected :)

Joe T said:

If you want to see bees come to my parents house - they have 4 beehives in the back garden. They even sell honey from the front door. :)
I think I remember you saying before. If I were you, I'd be camped as close as safely possible to the hives to try and get some pics. Bees fascinate me!

Raider said:
Those certainly are impressive!

What's the exact model of that lens? Would be interested in getting one of those myself if that's the detail that they're capable of! :)
Thanks very much. Lens used was the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM.
Please note that I also used a 36mm extension tube to get these images. It is an incredible lens in its own right though :)
Lostkat said:
You've never seen a bee close up? Have a look next time you're near one. Most of them have the big yellow lumps on their legs where the pollen has collected :)

I see them all the time (live out in the countreeside) but just never thought to pay them much attention! :eek:

Infact, there are hives just around the corner from me... I wonder if they'll let me take some photos. Or would that be suicide? :o
Nice huney though :D
Great shots all round. It is a pity about the bee, i do like to be able to see the detail in the eyes. Still, the quality of the hairs and pollen are really good. Not a total loss!
Cracking shots!

The extension tube is just an empty (no glass) piece of metal that sits between the lens and the body to allow closer focusing isn't it?

Can you just buy any old extension tube then, and are they autofocus and metering compatible?
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