The Orange Broadband offer - any takers?

5 Jul 2005
Has anyone taken this up yet?

I'm tempted to go for it, but it means the hassle of chaning providers and worrying about service issues on Wanadoo. I mean I'm with Virgin at the moment, and even though they have been slated in the past I've never had any issues with them in over two years, so I'm a bit hesitent.

Does anyone know if this offer will still be available next month, as on the Orange website its offers for June I think.

The 2GB cap and the fact it's Wanadoo would really put me off. Depending on how often you use it, I'd say it's impossible to stay under 2GB a month.
I think it would be best to let it calm down and see what happens, I don't think its a limited offer.... althouh I haven't read the small print
Caged said:
The 2GB cap and the fact it's Wanadoo would really put me off. Depending on how often you use it, I'd say it's impossible to stay under 2GB a month.

Can be upgraded to unlimited for £10 a month...

And strangely approx 90% of those already on the broadband service manage to stay under 2gb just fine. It's only really those who download a lot of music/games/videos etc that would struggle.
Dolph said:
Can be upgraded to unlimited for £10 a month...

And strangely approx 90% of those already on the broadband service manage to stay under 2gb just fine. It's only really those who download a lot of music/games/videos etc that would struggle.
That 90% are Wanadoo customers though, they don't really cater for the power users, more the people who would be on dialup but got offered broadband instead. Honestly if you're happy with your current service, I wouldn't move to ex-Wanadoo.
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price comes into this though, I'm with orange for my mobile so even paying the extra tenner, I could save £15 a month if I swapped. before I move though I want to see how it performs
Thanks for the replys. Was going to post on ADSLguide but didn't get time, but will probably do so soon.

I'm not really a power user as such. I do download the odd track off the net now and then, but hang on, I'm a BF2 player, so the patches could be a problem there ;).

Well this is my scenario. I've just swapped to PAYG orange (from O2), you know the 'top up £10 and get 300 free txt's offer'. To do that I bought a mint Nokia 6630 off ebay for £60, which I love by the way. My last phone was a Nokia 1100, so playing Doom on the 6630 was like 'wow'.

So, I'm paying £17.99 a month for virgin (6gb download allowance). I intended to top up my mobile £10 every month, so thats £27.99 a month for the above. If I paid an extra £2 a month I could get a new phone from Orange with my £30 contract, which would probably be a 6630 again (don't slate me I'm in love with Symbian phones at the mo), which means I could sell my recently purchased 6630. I'd also get about 200 minutes any network mintues and about 300 txts (plus more orange net exclusives at the moment).

I'm really tempted. Its just hassle, because something will go wrong I know it.
There's an overall 30GB/month usage allowance on normal Orange broadband. I would assume it also applies to the 'free' service.
Are you sure about that? I've been onto the Orange broadband page and the £17.99 package has a 2GB monthly allowance, which is what Orange is offering with their £30 contract offer.
warren_1979 said:
Are you sure about that? I've been onto the Orange broadband page and the £17.99 package has a 2GB monthly allowance, which is what Orange is offering with their £30 contract offer.

That's right, the higher limit is for broadband max, which is £27.99 a month standard, or £10/month if you qualify for free broadband.

You could also, for £30 a month, get one of the new symbian phones (6680, N70) rather than just a 6630 :)
I wasn't going to take up this offer as I need a higher cap and fairly happy with Plusnet but I rang and confirmed the following with Orange :

You are allowed to have the DSL installed at an address other than your billing address so I can get it installed at my grandparents house. My grandads been using dialup for ages but has kept saying he would like broadband if the prices came down even further.

At the moment I'm waiting until the P990i comes out as I'll try to get Orange to give me one for free when I renew (contract has already run out of the initial period). They gave me the P910i last time so I'm hoping they will.

Then when I renew the contract I'll order the broadband as well.

The person I spoke to said there doesnt seem to be an expiry date on the offer so she thought it would be running for several months. She also put a note on my account that they had confirmed I can order the DSL at a different result :)
just been finging out about this and it all sounded good to start with but then went downhill:-

I shall explain.

Okay, Once upon a time....

I am with Wanadoo for my broadband @ £17.99 per month.
I am also with Orange and have been for some 10 years or so. I am on contract at around £35 per month. Have a N70 on month 5 or the 12 month contract. I always upgrade the handset each month.

so rang them about seeing if i can get a better deal as now they (Orange) have bought/merged whatever with wanadoo.

to start with Orange were telling me that I could save the £17.99 per month i pay to wanadoo and have my broadband free with Orange so saving me £17.99 Per month. BUT only with a 2GB limit. Which some months, granted is fine, others no chance on earth! :) need more.

To which they replied well for £10 per month you can get unlimited download amount, free Landline calls and free calls to Orange mobile phones 24/7. Great I think, that is a good deal. So I go for it and she checks my line, even though i already am aware I can only get 1mb. :(

Puts me through to the next department that set's everything up and now this is where it goes downhill for me.

I get something called a live box, so i dont need my expensive Netear DG834v2 anymore :( the main computer is upstairs in the office/3rd bedroom along with my netgear router.
I am then told I wont be able to use my landline telephone downstairs unless it is wired into the live box. which would be pretty impossible.
Then when i make the landline calls have to use something called a internet phone with a different number.

All seems pointless to me for what basically is a saving of £8 per month as I dont use the house phone a great deal anyhow, only have it so i can actually get broadband.

Oh and then i would also need to restart my contract for 12 months, so in essence meaning I would not be able to upgrade till next July which would have been 18 months since a upgrade. So i ask them if I do all this can i upgrade now free to which I am informed would cost £200.

So Im not doing this. It may be good for some, but certainly not for me. Which is stupid really as I am with Orange and also Wanadoo so paying around £55 per month for a mobile phone and broadband.

I did think about leaving wanadoo, but I hear it is a nightmare to get a MAC code ? or something like that, and takes ages and you can be without the internet for some time.

Sorry for the lenghty reply, but it gives you all something to read
Magic_x_uk said:
I get something called a live box, so i dont need my expensive Netear DG834v2 anymore :( the main computer is upstairs in the office/3rd bedroom along with my netgear router.

You can still use your router if you prefer, but Orange would not be able to offer anywhere near as much technical help with it (which may or may not be an issue for you)

I am then told I wont be able to use my landline telephone downstairs unless it is wired into the live box. which would be pretty impossible.
Then when i make the landline calls have to use something called a internet phone with a different number.

What?!? That's not right at all. You keep your standard landline phone and your standard landline number, and can use it as normal. You can also plug a phone into livebox to use the VOIP connection with an additional number (and the advantage that you can use both phones at the same time).

In no way is any restriction placed on standard landline phone, I really don't know where they got that idea from.

All seems pointless to me for what basically is a saving of £8 per month as I dont use the house phone a great deal anyhow, only have it so i can actually get broadband.

Oh and then i would also need to restart my contract for 12 months, so in essence meaning I would not be able to upgrade till next July which would have been 18 months since a upgrade. So i ask them if I do all this can i upgrade now free to which I am informed would cost £200.

If you're in month 5 of a 12 month contract, this is right, although you can always wait until the last three months of this contract and take the offer then as part of an upgrade deal.

So Im not doing this. It may be good for some, but certainly not for me. Which is stupid really as I am with Orange and also Wanadoo so paying around £55 per month for a mobile phone and broadband.

I did think about leaving wanadoo, but I hear it is a nightmare to get a MAC code ? or something like that, and takes ages and you can be without the internet for some time.

No offer is suitable for everyone unfortunately (otherwise the market would be very boring) but it's always an offer worth investigating (as you have done) before you decide that :)

Getting a MAC code should simply be a case of phoning support and asking for it, then (in theory anyway) transfer should be fairly seemless to your new ISP.
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