The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Both look better bigger

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All these nice pictures are making me truly fed up with the weather here.
It has been plain overcast with no interest in the sky and dull like non stop for the last 2 weeks :(

Pic of my girlfriend I shot yesterday in my room with a simple black sheet behind her. Overexposed a stop or two and intentionally left it noisy for that indy-art effect :).
Just picked up a Sony A200, quite impressed with it. Here is a shot from the London Science Museum.


A very quick play in Paint Shop Pro.

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I really like the reflection in the water. so clear.

Where about is that?

And I agree with pinkfloyd, totally jealous of images like that :p
This was taken in the Rocky Mountains in Canada, Alberta. I have so many more better pictures but I loved the reflection on the water of this one. Was taken using a Nikon Coolpix S600.
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