The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Is there a back story to this? :) Where was it taken?
We were in a tiny village in Spain called Nerpio for their annual Fiesta and the running of the bulls through the one main street. The Fiesta lasted a week and we were there for 4 days of it.

The "Bulls" (cows, bullocks and Bulls) are run through the village at noon on Sunday and everyone gathers in the streets and on their balconies to either run ahead of, behind or to play chicken with them and dive into the nearest open door/space as they run past or scamper up the nearest window bars.




All the street level properties (bars and houses) are secured with heavy duty grills to allow you to dive in and out but not allow the bulls in.


At the end of the street is the Village Centre or Plaza. It was converted into a Bullring and they then released into the ring the young bulls and cows for the entertainment. There was no gory spearing of bulls, but they were aggressive and chased anyone that wanted to risk running across the ring. And there wasn't a shortage of volunteers!


The guy in my earlier post almost got caught by the cow but he managed to jump up onto the side of the ring and out of reach.
As they got tired they were caught and taken away to be replaced with a fresh animal. The cows were far more aggressive than the bullocks which surprised me. There were a couple of Matadors who really tired the animals out prior to being caught.


It was a fantastic experience and the Fiesta parties were unbelievably good fun and we got a real taste of Spain.
Also saw the Vulcan but that was a few weeks ago :) Guess it's doing the rounds during the summer heh

Airbourne-23 by Phal44, on Flickr


Another for good measure... It's an awesome plane :D deceptively large which this picture might show

Vulcan 7 by Phal44, on Flickr
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My first SLR (D5100) came yesterday and I was itching to get out and try it today. I had quite a few shots fit for the bin and a few that didn't come out too bad. I'm really looking forward to learning how to use the thing properly, for now you can have a laugh at my better results from today :o

Nothing there to laugh at, all nice shots. The only thing I'd say is and it's something I'm very guilty of too is putting the subject in the centre of the image. Maybe work on composition or crop shots differently when editing them, it's something I have to remind myself constantly of.

Enjoy your new camera, a friend I work with got one too recently and is enjoying learning it too.
Nothing there to laugh at, all nice shots. The only thing I'd say is and it's something I'm very guilty of too is putting the subject in the centre of the image. Maybe work on composition or crop shots differently when editing them, it's something I have to remind myself constantly of.

Enjoy your new camera, a friend I work with got one too recently and is enjoying learning it too.

Thanks :)

Yeah my composition was really poor today in general. Everything was centre frame pretty much :o I think I was more concerned about the mechanics of the camera as it is so different to what I'm used to using. I'm sure that when the camera becomes second nature I'll start to be a bit more creative again :D

I think I may have a bit of a crop of some of them though, at the moment they are fresh off of the camera as the only image software I have is Corel Photo Paint :o
Saturday of the 2012 RAFA Shoreham-by-Sea airshow. Unfortunately the weather was very poor - low cloud and dark. That not only meant it was impossible to get any great, vibrant photos but also that much of the display was cut. No parachutes, hardly any action from the larger classics such as the B17 and Lancaster, and even the Tornadoes only had enough fuel for one fast run! 200 mm on a full frame body was struggling for length at some points.

Mustang and Spitfire by Greg Kingston, on Flickr

Tornado by Greg Kingston, on Flickr

Vulcan by Greg Kingston, on Flickr

The sun started to peep through right at the end, by which point I had to leave. Unfortunately that meant missing the Breitling girls, although I saw them whilst queuing up to leave.
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