The Ring and the grudge, and their remakes

17 Jun 2005
ok, for my A2 critical research study i need to gather primary research for the final essay. Baisically i would like to know your opinons on the ring and its american remake and the grudge and its american remake. For example i would like to know which out of the original and the remake your prefered and why, eg its in english, musics more dramatic, better visuals etc. or if you have only seen one of the films why havn't you seen the other for example some people don't know that the the ring and the grudge are remakes etc etc.

ill be thankful for any comments you post

comment away!!

cheers :D
Heres a simple point that occured to me. I dont know if anyone else is the same, but i find myself better drawn into the world of foreign-language films than English films. Being that you have to read subtitles and often (with the crazy eastern films anyway ;)) work out what the heck is going on. Therefore watching a foreign-language horror film, to me is a lot more scary than its western counterpart -- because you're totally immersed in the world presented before you.

I dont actually watch a lot of horror films (i'm not a big fan), but i've watched enough to recognise the Hollywood/western techniques used. So i find myself able to predict events and/or the story twists easier than i can with foreign-language versions. This obviously detracts from the experience.
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