Of all time, top three, top ten, whatever you please, now the graphics make the females look sexy, lets have your votes.
However, Lara Croft must be excluded from this list, as otherwise everyone will put her in.
There is more to life than looks: personalities, fashion sense, sensual eyes are just as important as OTT breasts and bums.
Justification of why you like her would be useful, as well as where she came from i.e the game.
Why am i doing this poll may you ask? Well, i remember the days when females in video games were as rare as hens teeth. Nowadays, every game either has a female lead role or female sidekick, and sexual tension is a must. Just look at the games coming out now: HL2 & Episode 1 with Alyx Vance, and Sin Episodes with Jessica Cannon, whereas both the originals didnt feature a sidekick, let alone females. FarCry has Valerie, Heroes of Might and Magic has female leads, even Doom 3 had a female playing a major role. Dont get me started on the Final Fantasy Series.
This isnt supposed to be derrogatory to women, or be a feminist movement, its just curiosity. Dont worry, there will be a sexy male vid game character poll in the near future.
Mine are as follows (in no particular order):
Zelda from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Royal, strong willed, righteous, as a child cute and innocent, as an adult mysterious and beautiful.
Janette from Vampires: Bloodlines - the epitomy of dirty, although she looks a bit skanky in the artwork, her "bouncing on a pogo stick wearing nothing than a smile" made me smile a lot. Plus, as a Toreador female vampire, my imagination ran a bit wild...
Kaileena from Prince of Persia series - Sexy, good with a sword, stunning body and great clothing. First time i saw her fighting Shahdee was great.
Stilletto Anyways from Anachronox - A dancer in leather clad clothing whos not afraid of hard work or getting her hands dirty.
However, Lara Croft must be excluded from this list, as otherwise everyone will put her in.
There is more to life than looks: personalities, fashion sense, sensual eyes are just as important as OTT breasts and bums.
Justification of why you like her would be useful, as well as where she came from i.e the game.
Why am i doing this poll may you ask? Well, i remember the days when females in video games were as rare as hens teeth. Nowadays, every game either has a female lead role or female sidekick, and sexual tension is a must. Just look at the games coming out now: HL2 & Episode 1 with Alyx Vance, and Sin Episodes with Jessica Cannon, whereas both the originals didnt feature a sidekick, let alone females. FarCry has Valerie, Heroes of Might and Magic has female leads, even Doom 3 had a female playing a major role. Dont get me started on the Final Fantasy Series.
This isnt supposed to be derrogatory to women, or be a feminist movement, its just curiosity. Dont worry, there will be a sexy male vid game character poll in the near future.
Mine are as follows (in no particular order):
Zelda from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Royal, strong willed, righteous, as a child cute and innocent, as an adult mysterious and beautiful.
Janette from Vampires: Bloodlines - the epitomy of dirty, although she looks a bit skanky in the artwork, her "bouncing on a pogo stick wearing nothing than a smile" made me smile a lot. Plus, as a Toreador female vampire, my imagination ran a bit wild...
Kaileena from Prince of Persia series - Sexy, good with a sword, stunning body and great clothing. First time i saw her fighting Shahdee was great.
Stilletto Anyways from Anachronox - A dancer in leather clad clothing whos not afraid of hard work or getting her hands dirty.