The Sinking Of The USS Oriskany

That is awesome. :cool:

I am surprised that little boat didn't get drageed down though.
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Why do they sink it though?

I realise it's not in service any more, but is congining it to Davey Jones' locker the best thing to do?
messiah khan said:
Whats with the little fishing boat attatched to the top of it?
The SMALL BOAT on the deck of carrier contains a generator and electronics to set off the explosions. It was designed so this small boat would float free after the carrier sunk!
Must've been awesome to watch such a massive ship sinking.
AJUK said:
That is awesome. :cool:

I am surprised that little boat didn't get drageed down though.
As far as I know the 'Getting dragged down with the ship' thing is a myth. Well according to Mythbusters anyway :D
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OCdt Stringy said:
Must've been awesome to watch such a massive ship sinking.

As far as I know the 'Getting dragged down with the ship' thing is a myth. Well according to Mythbusters anyway :D

It depends on how quickly the vessel sinks! ie the quicker it sinks the greater the suction it creates which can pull people under.
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