Top Gear viewers demand BBC axe show as they rip into ‘unwatchable’ series premiere
Having read this headline on social media (it was The Sun so I took it with a pinch of salt!) I thought I’d give it a look but wasn’t expecting much tbh.
Much to my surprise, whilst it indeed is a lot of the same stuff re-hashed, I found myself enjoying it and unusually am looking forward to the next episode.
The Rimac was astonishing if a bit of a meaningless comparison, 2000bhp beating 700, if anything I almost expected it to be quicker….
They don’t do the road trips as well as Clarkson and Co although I have to say I found the last few they did a bit of a turn off anyway.
Hopefully a good series although I suspect it’ll be somewhat hit & miss as the new teams output seems to be.
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