The Traveler - the book

27 Jan 2003
Has anyone else read this book by Justin Twelve Hawks.
Its a very good Matrix like read and makes you think about the technology used in todays Nanny state times and the false sense of freedom, so I went on the website to see when the next in the trilogy is out, and you have to uncover and solve clues just to get some infomation via several webpages.
No one knows the author as he lives 'off the grid of the vast machine'.
Worth getting hold of a copy.
Yep, read it.

Wasn't bad. Not really a fan of Davinci code conspiracy stuff, so this was a surprise.

Yes there were holes in the plot and action, but you've gotta expect this sort of thing,

rayer said:
Has anyone else read this book by Justin Twelve Hawks.
Its a very good Matrix like read and makes you think about the technology used in todays Nanny state times and the false sense of freedom, so I went on the website to see when the next in the trilogy is out, and you have to uncover and solve clues just to get some infomation via several webpages.
No one knows the author as he lives 'off the grid of the vast machine'.
Worth getting hold of a copy.

Its John Twelve Hawks, but yeah its a decent enough book

I read it a couple of months ago, kind of half looking forward to the sequels ...

incidentally how does the Author expect to collect his 'fat cash' from sales if he can't have a bank account? ...

Spin methinks!
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