The trusty old DG834 has died....

7 Jun 2003
So i need to replace it, my internet activity consists of 90% gaming 10% everything else, can anyone point me towards a suitable replacement?

I was looking at the Netgear DGND3300 but at £100 that seems a bit steep for a router, unless anyone can convince me that it's worth it?

At the moment i have some piece of junk zyxel P660 thing which seems to connect at a much slower speed than my dead netgear did.
How about a DG834GT off the bay?
Pop the latest DGteam firmware on and you can probablly tweak a bit more speed too
Worth look into these can be had for as little as £15 sometimes :)
Had a DG834GT (non sky one) off the bay for £14 just a couple of weeks ago. Replaced my dodgy GT nicely. Did try a new router for around £40 but it sucked compared with GT.
Netgear DG834GT for sure. It's The only router I have really used aswel as the dg834. Rock solid. Can tweak to get the most with the dgteam firmware. Lots of features and out of all the routers I have tries its one that gets the most out of my connection. The chipset is one of the best out of the batch of Broadcom chipsets. Holds well at lower SNR margins so you can really test your connection
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What version of the 834s is the best to look out for? my old one was a v5 which was pants and couldn't take the DGteam firmware, whereas ages ago i had a v3 which was brilliant.
DG384GT had the good broadcom chipset and can have the DGTeam firmware. Sky used to ship it as their router many moons ago. Should be easy to find.

My original one used to have trouble with DHCP for wireless connnections that got worse over several years. This replacement though has no issues, although it did factory reset itself one morning.

Thought I'd start this thread again, I'm with TianADSL so have no knowledge of Sky broadband, a friend of mine has a Sky router that has died so I said I'd grab her something and get her broadband working again, was thinking about the DG834GT as I have one and they are rock solid with DGTeam firmware, do I need a username and password to get it working on her line? If so will Sky supply it or is there a default?

Many thanks

Sky hardwire the username and password into their routers so unless you have extracted this before it died you will have to phone up sky and they will send a new router with the name and password installed in that :)
and no sky will not tell you what the username and password is mate
Reminds me I should source a backup 834GT if mine dies I'm a bit stuffed as nothing else can handle this line :S
Just bought another GT off the bay,Sky badged but now has DG team firmware on it works great with BE, oh and payed £6.99 for it with delivery, bargain :)
Sky hardwire the username and password into their routers so unless you have extracted this before it died you will have to phone up sky and they will send a new router with the name and password installed in that :)
and no sky will not tell you what the username and password is mate

This may be true for the latest batch of Sagem routers but for ones that have had the GT in place the username and password is derived from the mac address of the router. There used to be a calculator online somewhere that you entered the mac and it came up with the username and password for you.

And here it is

And £6.99, lucky one. They were going for £20+ when I looked a month or two ago. Thought I was lucky with £14.
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This may be true for the latest batch of Sagem routers but for ones that have had the GT in place the username and password is derived from the mac address of the router. There used to be a calculator online somewhere that you entered the mac and it came up with the username and password for you.

And here it is

And £6.99, lucky one. They were going for £20+ when I looked a month or two ago. Thought I was lucky with £14.

Thats where i got my username and password from :D
But won`t help the girl whose router is fubar though
edit:i have the sagem 2304n router and have extracted the info from that using that site
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