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Can't believe how easy it's been giving up vaping compared to giving up smoking. Granted i had a 2 weeks enforced period of no vaping at the start (2 months or so ago) due to being in hospital but I don't think i've had cravings once that i can remember, even during that initial period. Any time i tried to go cold Turkey from smokes the cravings never went away and always had me smoking again within weeks, or as was more often the case within days.

Just goes to show that 3mg is practically nothing.
If anyone hasn't updated their RX200 to v1.08 I recommend doing so, most are saying its just a font update - it isn't. adjusting temp and wattage is much much easier now as it doesn't blitz through the number range at light speed any more :)
Can't believe how easy it's been giving up vaping compared to giving up smoking. Granted i had a 2 weeks enforced period of no vaping at the start (2 months or so ago) due to being in hospital but I don't think i've had cravings once that i can remember, even during that initial period. Any time i tried to go cold Turkey from smokes the cravings never went away and always had me smoking again within weeks, or as was more often the case within days.

Just goes to show that 3mg is practically nothing.

I guess with 3mg it's just the habit of picking up a mod and blowing clouds rather than the nic addiction itself.

I've just cut down to 3mg from 6mg and I'm noticing no difference whatsoever. Will try 0mg in Feb, then hopefully completely free from vaping a few months after.

Congrats dude.
I vary between 3 and 6 can see myself making the final push before the summer, I've come down from 18_20 in the last 6 months.
I too have been vaping lower nic juices, lots of the free juice i got at Vapefest were either 3 or 1.5mg, and ive been happy enough vaping them, so will stick to 3mg for a while and run out my 6mg juices, then i might drop to nic free.
Opinions please.
I may be able to pick up a cheap sx mini m class
Or buy a rx 200w.
I mainly vape 30-60w.

What would you go for?
Opinions please.
I may be able to pick up a cheap sx mini m class
Or buy a rx 200w.
I mainly vape 30-60w.

What would you go for?

I would go for the rx200w... simply a single 18650 that will support that amps that your pulling won't last that long at that power range.

You can get the DNA200 wismec now for £125 + batts.. second hand they are going around £100.
Im with Slinxy, the RX is a bit bulkier, but you will really appreciate the battery life at 60w, the SX M class single 18650 at 60w will not get you through a day at all.
Happy New Year all!

Looking at pulling the trigger on a Wismec RX200 soon, but fancy a new RTA too.

I have gone back to tight draws, such as my UTA. Anyone recommend a decent tight draw RTA? Squape is on my radar but I want to know of any others. Something preferably obtainable. Cloud One I like, but cba with all the madness getting one.
Happy New Year all!

Looking at pulling the trigger on a Wismec RX200 soon, but fancy a new RTA too.

I have gone back to tight draws, such as my UTA. Anyone recommend a decent tight draw RTA? Squape is on my radar but I want to know of any others. Something preferably obtainable. Cloud One I like, but cba with all the madness getting one.

The cloud one ain't that hard to get hold of.. it's a lot of hype if you ask me.
The best pound for pound rta at the moment is the vaporgaint mini/nano and is always in stock at intaste.de.
Happy New Year all!

Looking at pulling the trigger on a Wismec RX200 soon, but fancy a new RTA too.

I have gone back to tight draws, such as my UTA. Anyone recommend a decent tight draw RTA? Squape is on my radar but I want to know of any others. Something preferably obtainable. Cloud One I like, but cba with all the madness getting one.

VG Mini/Nano seems to be a well regarded RTA, the Wotofo Serpent seems to be getting a lot of love (Not sure what the draw is like though)

but if you want a slighty tighter draw you won't be disappointed with the SquapeR (I'll swap you my Squape for your UTA :p)
VG Mini/Nano seems to be a well regarded RTA, the Wotofo Serpent seems to be getting a lot of love (Not sure what the draw is like though)

but if you want a slighty tighter draw you won't be disappointed with the SquapeR (I'll swap you my Squape for your UTA :p)

Cheers dude!! I'll have a look at them!

You wouldn't want my UTA, been my work horse for best part of a year, it is a bit banged up! :(

You need to have such a beautiful thing straight out the box! :P
VG Mini/Nano seems to be a well regarded RTA, the Wotofo Serpent seems to be getting a lot of love (Not sure what the draw is like though)

but if you want a slighty tighter draw you won't be disappointed with the SquapeR (I'll swap you my Squape for your UTA :p)

I'll let you know about the serpent on Tuesday ;)

From what I've gathered from reviews, wide open airflow on it is a bit much - but all the reviews I've seen are using the provided coils which look a measily ~2-2.5mm 4 wrap twisted 26g kanthal. Think I'll be diving straight in with claptons :D
I bought 28, 26 and 24 awg SS 317L a few weeks ago and cannot figure out why my supposedly stainless steel 317L builds are matching kanthal resistances. Just did 26 gauge 10 wraps of SS on 3mm thinking it would be around 0.7 ohms and it's come out at 1.3 ohms, which is approx what 26 gauge kanthal comes out at for 9 to 10 wraps on 3mm. This has been happening consistently on various amounts of wraps. Example, I did 12 wraps on 3mm diameter with 26 gauge. Should be about 0.8 to 0.9 ohms but it came out around 1.6 to 1.7 ohms. I also did 6 wraps which should be 0.4 to 0.5 and it came out at 0.9 to 1 ohm.

I can't remember if my 24 and 28 gauge are the same, I'll have to do some test builds, but anyway, I tested for magnetism using the magnets inside the door of my mod and none of these wires are magnetic, so they can't be kanthal. Any ideas? I also notice that on the first press of the button, the resistance starts lower and then about 2 or 3 presses after, it increases until it finds the resistance it stays at. Like this current build goes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and then stays there. Could my mod have an issue with detecting resistances? Certainly seems solid enough, nothing seems loose and the 510 pin connector isn't sprung loaded.
Not sure why your coils are coming out with the wrong ohms, but the ohms rising each time you hit the fire button is expected and thats how temp control works, with each press you are putting power into the coils which causes heat and with NI, TI or SS, this will result in the ohms increasing, this is why when you build for TC mode, you have to find the Base or cold resistance and set it so the mod can then calculate the temp based on the resistance changes as you vape it.
Thanks for the explanation Tweak about the ohms rising, at least I know that's normal.

pgi947, I'm using the Sigelei 50w v2 from myepack. Unfortunately I don't have another mod to try or a dedicated ohm reader. What's interesting is that on all my builds, the resistances are all double what they should be, suggesting kanthal, but it can't be kanthal as there's no magnetic pull.
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