The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

opinions are like noses :) (the pg version)
So here is mine. I'm loving it, it's technically very impressive and has those graphical wow moments. The story is good, no its not a masterpiece but it is enjoyable even thou i don't understand everything, some decision choices really make you think. Game play is fun, the only bad aspect is inventory management which looks like its going to be changed. All other bugs you know are going to be fixed/patched which is why my biggest love is the developers, this is how you support your product and your customers.

Not sure how many other people have done this; but I was wondering why I wasn't doing much damage to humans, only to discover I still had equipped the blunt wooden sword I used for a Dandelion quest. Doh!
thankyou for this post
That just makes me laugh :D

I know what they say, opinions are like ******, everybody's got one..

But still, so wrong :D

pfffft...If the poster who I was responding to didn't like the Witcher 2, then he certainly isn't going to like the Witcher 3.

CDPR tend to do an excellent job with their characters, narratives, and especially in Witcher 3, with their game environments......but offer up a mediocre fair in all the other staple RPG departments.

In Witcher 3:

Combat is a bit crap. Crafting is rubbish and not helped at all by CDPR's awful menu system. Because crafting is rubbish that also makes looting and collecting items from the environment a bit rubbish/meaningless, which in turn makes exploration a bit pointless. Exploration being a bit pointless is a shame, as like I say, the landscape in Witcher 3 is surely the most spectacular and ornate open world environment that has ever been created in a video game. Indeed, there are a lot of elements in the Witcher 3 that are a bit crap, boring, monotonous. And this isn't just an opinion, it's fact!

Don't get me wrong. Witcher 3 keeps me entertained and I am certainly getting my money's worth out of the game, but I aint getting that steady pulse of soothing alpha waves that I get when I am playing an RPG or story driven action game that truly is 'amazing'.....

Divinity Ego Draconis
Tomb Raider

With that said, Witcher is way way more absorbing than all the usual boring souless crap that you mainstream hypesuckers relish....

Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Kingdoms of Amalur

etc..... so if the directly above are benchmark examples of 'great' games, then I guess Witcher 3 truly is amazing and 'the hype is real'.....however, you are still going to get people who can't be arsed with what the Witcher has to offer.
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Hey guys, have been meaning to ask.

Can someone please tell me where you get the black nilfgaardian horse after you declines Emhyrs coin and he gives you the horse in the Blood quest?

Finished the game ages ago and just remembered there is a horse i have somewhere lol.
Okay let me ask the question this way :D If I despised Dragon Age Inquisition's long, drawn out, unskippable cutscenes featuring acting that makes the average CBeebies programme look like Godfather 2, will I like Witcher 3?
Just done the Cat&Wolf quest. It was pretty good.

Question about Priscilla-

So the whole quest where she is attacked is nonsense and makes very little sense, but is there any kind of aftermath?...I just returned to Novigrad after the battle of Kaer Morhen, and she is still in bed saying the same stuff and Dandellion is happy as Larry and doesn't even mention her!

I was expecting something to happen, not for the whole thing to just be dropped, or have I missed something? I really believe that the further you get in to the game, it is like the less care was put in to it. If this had happened earlier in the game, there would be a lot more reaction to this.

I finished this again last week and got the ending I was hoping for.

Cirri takes over from her dad. She , Geralt, Yennefer and Dandelion are in White Orchard. In the Inn, Geralt asks Dandelion about Priscilla. But when you finish the mission concerning her attack, I think that is the last you see of her. I thought that quest was pretty pointless. I missed a few quests the second time round, I think that was due to going to the Misty Isles to soon.
What does 'new movement response' mean? Hopefully it will be a lot less clunky.

First and foremost, I wish they would sort out the levelling. It really stops the game short of greatness.
Divinity Ego Draconis
Tomb Raider

Funny, I finished every single one of these (all Gothic games, incl. G3 and even that PoS Arcania, all Risen games, Dishonored incl. expansion, Divinity 2 incl. expansion).

I love them all.
I do.

Witcher 3 is better than any of these. You find combat crap, I found it much better than in any of these. You found exploration bad, I found it insanely satisfying, finally a game better for exploration than legendary Gothic 2.
But yes, where Witcher 3 truly shines and outclasses every single game made since Planescape Torment, is writing. Characters. Dialogues. Quest design.

It is not often that I can't stop tears while playing a videogame. It happened maybe twice over 20 years. MGS and Planescape Torment.

It happened multiple times during Witcher 3.

And I laughed my ass off at other moments, and there were plenty of those too.
If you are like me, the main issue you will have with American made RPGs like Dragon Age, Skyrim, that every single character is a homopuffter maggot, and the narratives tend to be ragingly gay at best, and downright intelligence insulting at worst.

Witcher 3 is not at all like that. Some of the characters are excellent. The narratives are mature and sophisticated. Far from being intelligence insulting, some of the stories contained within the Witcher 3 are highly captivating in the same sort of ways sub-plots in Game of Thrones are. However, the storytelling through the characters and their dialogue is by far the Witcher 3's strongest feature. If you really can't be bothered with long drawn out dialogue in video games, and you just intend to skip through all that stuff and execute the missions, then what you are left with is a sprawly mediocre hack n slash game, albeit set in the most stunning virtual world ever created.

Homophobe much?
Funny, I finished every single one of these (all Gothic games, incl. G3 and even that PoS Arcania, all Risen games, Dishonored incl. expansion, Divinity 2 incl. expansion).

I love them all.
I do.

Witcher 3 is better than any of these. You find combat crap, I found it much better than in any of these. You found exploration bad, I found it insanely satisfying, finally a game better for exploration than legendary Gothic 2.
But yes, where Witcher 3 truly shines and outclasses every single game made since Planescape Torment, is writing. Characters. Dialogues. Quest design.

It is not often that I can't stop tears while playing a videogame. It happened maybe twice over 20 years. MGS and Planescape Torment.

It happened multiple times during Witcher 3.

And I laughed my ass off at other moments, and there were plenty of those too.

Nicely put, I agree.

Latest patch sounds fantastic, finally the inventory receives some attention.

About time they done something with that.
Good to see they are going to use storage sites, don't know why they did'nt have this in at the start.
Having played this twice now, it will be a while until I see the benefits from this latest patch. Playing Witcher 1 atm and then will play Witcher 2, should take me up to the first big DLC in October. :D
Hey guys, have been meaning to ask.

Can someone please tell me where you get the black nilfgaardian horse after you declines Emhyrs coin and he gives you the horse in the Blood quest?

Finished the game ages ago and just remembered there is a horse i have somewhere lol.

You sure you don't already have it? I think Roach automatically changes to a black nilf. Geralt calls all his horses Roach so perhaps you din't notice your Roach isn't brown anymore ;)
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