Think of a new law....

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
Was chatting with a mate oer the weekend and came up with what we both felt was a law that would solve many problems.

Anyone of childbearing age (male or female) is offered a £1000 to have a skin implant that acts as a contraceptive for 5 years. At any time during the five years they can give the £1000 back and have the implant removed.

The effect would be that teenage kids, prostitutes, drug addicts would all flock forward. £100 is a cheap price to pay for the resulting aving in social services and support payments for unwanted children and single mothers.

So - over to you post your idea for a law you would like to see put in place....
have you ever thought that many of the single mothers actually WANT to be single mums?? Think of all the benefits, the nice coucil house, not having to work etc.
Ban any legislation that changes the way history and religion is taught on the basis that it may offend.

In other words: ban PC
MNuTz said:
have you ever thought that many of the single mothers actually WANT to be single mums?? Think of all the benefits, the nice coucil house, not having to work etc.

But hopefully they would take the £1000 at age 14 and that would see her through to 19 where at least she would have had a chance to se some education and job prospects.

Still reckon you could go to £5000 and save money !
VonClinkerhofen said:
There are too many laws in this country already, why can't people be left to think for themselves and suffer the consequences good/bad

I tend to agree, but there are too many safety nets for this approach to work.
We only need one law, the law of MNUTZ.

If i dont like what you did, you die, or at least suffer pain for a while :D

"I AM THE LAW!!!!"
I'd like to see more discipline being given to criminals in jail. Refer to the Shawshank Redemption and you'll get an idea of what I'm on about :) Criminals get away with too much.
You want to come to live and work in this Country? Then you will learn to speak the language before anything else!
Azagoth said:
You want to come to live and work in this Country? Then you will learn to speak the language before anything else!

come of it, you know you stokiees all speak a different language to the rest of us anyway :P :D

Its a valid point though, not so much a law as a immigration requirement.
Why would drug addicts flock for a contraceptive?

Unless the implant gives off small amounts of heroin on a regular basis..
Hodders said:
Anyone of childbearing age (male or female) is offered a £1000 to have a skin implant that acts as a contraceptive for 5 years. At any time during the five years they can give the £1000 back and have the implant removed.


The law is flawed. I could have it then take the money and down the years later, i would simply just get it undone and declear myself bankrupt. :)

Introduce laws that allows teachers, stragers, parent and elders to smack the punjabi out of unruly children and teenagers.
platypus said:
Why would drug addicts flock for a contraceptive?

Unless the implant gives off small amounts of heroin on a regular basis..

The money that was offered along with it? A think a nice £1k would have them tightening their tourniquets for a good day or two.
ElRazur said:
The law is flawed. I could have it then take the money and down the years later, i would simply just get it undone and declear myself bankrupt. :)
I think that, under the proposed law, after 5 years the person would not be required to repay the £1,000.
Mikol said:
The money that was offered along with it? A think a nice £1k would have them tightening their tourniquets for a good day or two.
Well in that case, I'd flock for it. £1,000 for a contraceptive that means I couldn't have kids for 5 years? Wohoo. Aside from people that want kids, who wouldn't?
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