It's good but not great. It produces nice looking 'contrasty' images in isolation and it's sharp in the centre particularly but optically it has plenty of small issues...
- no ED glass is a big bugbear of mine, which means CA, modern Nikon's can remove it in camera annoys me on such an expensive lens.
- it's got a lot of vignetting wide open, for how most people will use a lens like this it won't matter too much and it's fairly correctable but, again, it's an expensive lens.
- *if* you care, it has rather more distortion than a prime really should. I didn't notice often in the real world and, again, it's correctable but it might bother you if you shooting anything with straight lines frequently.
Build quality is good but, like most modern Nikons, heavy on (high quality) plastic.
Bokeh is...difficult to describe, good but not great sums it up really, it's smooth but something about it isn't the easiest on the eye.
I should say, it's excellent in almost all respects if you stop down but Nikon have a million good 35mm options at f/4 or so...
I spent a while with one and decided against buying it (or given the current availability, trying to) as while it produce nice images it's not worth the asking price currently (by not worth it I mean 'not as good the Nikon 24/1.4' which shows they can make better fast primes than this)
*If* it comes down to 35L prices I'll have another think. Then again, if you want a fast 35, you've got sod all other options with Nikon. It's another reason why the 5DIII is attractive to me right now...