Thinking of Buying Animal Crossing DS - Opinions needed

31 May 2005
Is it worth the £25?
How playable is it?
Is the wi-fi play a big part of the game? I have access to Nin-wif.

When did you buy yours? Are you still playing? Is it still fun after a few months?

Taa very muchly for any info given.
At first I absolutely loved it to pieces but then it became a bit of a chore like Nintendogs but then it got fun again and I'm really enjoying it. (Only had it two or three weeks though)...

There are always seems to be new things to do or see everytime I play and I connected to WiFi for the first time yesterday and afterwards there were a few cool things in my town. Like a present from Nintendo and a character with a face that had been drawn by some randomer who plays Animal Crossing.
I was going to mention Nintendogs in my original post... that had great playability for a short while and the novelty wore off.. got bored of it very quickly. Was great playing on a friends DS for a few minutes a day... once I had got it myself... it was just meh.

I was wondering if Animal Crossing suffered from the same problem.
I've been thinking the same. I was weighing up Metroid Prime Hunters and Animal Crossing... Decided on MPH in the end because it has a goal/aim to it and I enjoyed the demo. Don't know if I can commit the hours to Animal Crossing, but I might ask me bro for it for my birthday anyway :D
The two games are so wildly different its more a personal choice. If you want frantic running and shooting well its Metroid Prime, Animal Crossing on the other hand is much more laid back. Waste a few hours of your days wandering, chatting, fishing, basically living a village life. Its fun in a calming way and the gf is still playing it since I got it in March. :)

I personally play Animal crossing every day or two, for half an hour, to maybe an hour and a half. I'm sure it's the way it's meant to be played - at any one time, there's not an enormous amount to do, but keep coming back and all sorts of random funny stuff happens, things change, it's great :)
Just purchased Animal Crossing this afternoon.. will be playing this evening. Will post back with what I think. When choosing it was between:

Animal Crossing
Super Monkey Ball

Was it the right choice?
Went to HMV today to get Animal Crossing in exhange for the Godfather Trilogy my brother had got me for my b'day (which I already own - d'oh!). Had 2 in stock but none to be found. I had a toss up between Trauma Centre and Tetris and picked up Trauma Centre. Looks really good - gonna give it a reet go tonight :D
Gimpymoo said:
Just purchased Animal Crossing this afternoon.. will be playing this evening. Will post back with what I think. When choosing it was between:

Animal Crossing
Super Monkey Ball

Was it the right choice?
Yes, Tetris isn't that great, Monkey Ball is very awkward.

Animal Crossing is great, you can spend a good hour or so just playing around, and do that every single day, feeling like you have to do it, it's very addictive, you made the best choice. :)
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