Thinking of Moving Accross to a DS3..

11 Dec 2003
Hey all, looking for a bit of advice on a possible mobo change!

I'm running an Asus P5N-E SLI board right now, which although things are working fine, my AC7 is giving some problems with higher cpu temps, so i went out & bought a £45ish Noctua cpu cooler, which i have now found will not fit vertical on the board, yep, i know, not a big issue, fit ti horizontal i hear you cry!

Well, maybe its just me being me, but i really am not keen on the thought of that, i, with my systems like to get them hooked up exactly how i like it, and feel happy with it, then not have to worry about it, do i know what i'm doing with building it etc.. yep, but i just like to have it working fine, no problems, nothing needed doing etc.. Which is why i'm thinking of a swap, in all realism i shouldn't have gone for the SLI board i the first place (No offence if the guy who recommended it reads this! :)) I just take people opinion's to heart here as you guys who dish out the advice know what you're talking about, its pretty much only a month old so hoping i can MM it without any "major" loss, it is a great board & working 100% fine lol, just the lack of being able to get the Noctua on horizontally, SLI which i'll never use & the 2 pci slots, which i need for the SB X-fi & tv card, i would prefer a bit of space under the 8800 hence the DS3 and its 3 x pci slots appealing.

All i'm after is a board that:

Has 1 x IDE
Has 5+ SATA (Just incase!)
Might work as a replacement without a format, just got everything how i like it, software wise again!)
Would house the Noctua NH-U12F ( horizontally inside the Akasa Eclipse!

Sorry for the fussy post and i'm sure it looks like a big ado about nothing, but i wouldn't mind getting the pc sorted properly now, case side back on and back where its meant to be!!

Also gonna buy a new set of 120mm's for front and back (Unsure of Akasa Amber or Noctua 1200rpm's) and have a Scythe Kama Bay waiting for action! :D

Thanks again!
i have the p5b deluxe and im thinking of doing the same, main reasons are:

1. false boots
2. pcie x1 issue when overclocked

the only way to get it to run in x16 mode is to boot computer, load windows and restart the computer and back into windows, real pain in the ass having to boot twice before i can play a game.

the p5b-d is a good board dont get me wrong, but i went for it before i realised the problems that came with it. (shood have went for the ds3 like i was advised to, but no, i wanted 2x pci-e slots :rolleyes: )
The ds3p is a fine board. Mine is @ 460 fsb 100% stable. The "P" version has 8 sata's firewire and updated sound chip. The other plus, is that it will take the new 1333 fsb cpu's.

I had the Asus 650i plus m/b, and hated it. O/c was a nightmare, even at stock, windows would reboot, without warning.
Servo said:
I had the Asus 650i plus m/b, and hated it. O/c was a nightmare, even at stock, windows would reboot, without warning.

Can't say i've had that, i just want peace of mind on me cooler blowing back :D

Only thing left with the DS3 now, is will it house the Noctua cpu cooler the way i want? :D
Mines horizontal mate, and I'm getting superb temperatures from it. It will fit in the eclipse its a bigger case than mine, quite a lot wider!
Hey guys, sorry to hijack the thread, but what is the difference between the DS3 and the DS3P – apart from the price, having less PCI slots and a higher FSB?

Actually, are they the only differences :p

Would the DS3 still be a good option to pair with a E6300 in my new rig?

mishima said:
Mines horizontal mate, and I'm getting superb temperatures from it. It will fit in the eclipse its a bigger case than mine, quite a lot wider!

Thanks mate, the main worries on my mind was NB cooler etc.. getting in the way? Looking at my p5n-e i'd be lucky to get anything better than my AC7 in there right now! :(
Servo said:
I had the Asus 650i plus m/b, and hated it. O/c was a nightmare, even at stock, windows would reboot, without warning.

I'd really prefer it if you stopped saying you had a 650i board when you actually had the P5N32-E Plus SLi which is a hybrid C55/570 board and not a true 650i. It's a pants board and I applaud you for slating it at every opportunity. It's not a 650i board like the P5N-E SLi is and it's a bit disingenuous of you to go around slagging off 650i boards because you bought a duff crossbreed of a thing that should never have been allowed out the ASUS factory.
I use a DS3 but I think it's got problems when you use a TT120 with it, because of the backplate touching the CPU socket pins on the underside - basically, after leaving the PC off over night and turning it on in the morning it won't work untill after about 3 attempts of switching it off and on, won't work at all if you fasten the HSF to a certain degree... I'm RMA'ing mine and hopefully I'll get a later revision as the one I've got atm is 1.0.

The northbridge? heatsink gets really really hot as well.
WJA96 said:
I'd really prefer it if you stopped saying you had a 650i board when you actually had the P5N32-E Plus SLi which is a hybrid C55/570 board and not a true 650i. It's a pants board and I applaud you for slating it at every opportunity. It's not a 650i board like the P5N-E SLi is and it's a bit disingenuous of you to go around slagging off 650i boards because you bought a duff crossbreed of a thing that should never have been allowed out the ASUS factory.

I'm sorry I've upset you. Taken from a review....

The P5N32-E SLI PLUS is ASUS’ latest Intel based motherboard design, featuring the NVIDIA 650i based chipset. The version of the 650i chipset used on the P5N32-E SLI PLUS supports current Intel LGA775 style processors including thier Quad-core line, DDR2 DRAM operating at 800MHz
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