Thinking of starting wow any advice welcome

25 Oct 2002
i been thinking about starting the first wow game and just wondered if anyone could give me some advice like
best server?
which character/class are best ?
and anything else would be more than welcome

cheers guys
Mandatory hilarious and original "lolz dont do it lul youll become a recluse kekeke lose your girlfriend" response.
If you can start with a friend and do the 'Recruit a friend' program it will make things a lot quicker, since levelling up solo and without the 'RAF' XP bonus can be lonely/boring as you don't meet many people in the world.

There's another expansion pack due (a way off yet), but will re-vamp the 'old world' so you'd have more opportunities to group on your way up the levels.
Which ever faction you choose the other side will be considered to be the more mature and adult. Which ever class you choose it will be at the same time overpowered and need nerfing and broken and need buffing. Unless you intend to do a lot of raiding it is quite possible to play it and still have a social life.
Do it! Wow is awesome :D and no, you wont loose your social life and your girlfriend.

As a character class... do whatever you like the sound of!

Paladin/druid are really good all round classes, but then if you like smashing stuff, warrior is good for that.

Just read the descriptions, play one you like the sound of :D
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best advice: dont do it :p


Not because the game is bad - its very very good, but unless you are the sort of person with a LOT of self control and arent particually materialistic its very easy to get completely consumed by it.
I speak from bitter bitter experience :)
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dont read the forums youll just get depressed your class is nerfed. Enjoy the game before the grind kicks in and the constant quest for better gear sucks the fun from it.
I don't see how some people get so wrapped up in it. I find it very easy to pick up and put down again if I please. Its not THAT good!

best server?
Roll on a PvP server, I don't see any reason to roll on a PvE server.

which character/class are best ?
Whatever ones appeal to you the most. Racial bonuses aren't a good reason to choose one race over another pick the one you like the most. Same with Class, read up on the classes, and pick the one that appeals to you the most.

Nothing worse than playing a class you don't like, on a race you don't find aesthetically pleasing.
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Play Horde.

I've taken a break from WoW recently, but I've always played Alliance. My big bit of advice, don't play Alliance.
It's a fantastic game and has produced many memorable moments for me and friends.

Great game once you get in to it, the "grind fest" is due to change with the release of the new expansion pack, they're completely changing the leveling process in the old world, so it should be more fun, easier and quicker.

Horde, far more mature on the whole then Alliance.
Some classes, are far more powerful, and Blizzard love them more, Druids for example ;)
Play all the classes you can, for the first 10 levels to see if you enjoy the basic style of how they play.

Don't use the AH to buy things, it's over priced, save your money, you'll get gear through quests / drops and you won't be using it for long anyway. Take at least one gathering profession to earn some money (sell the raw materials they produce on the Auction House), take two if you want to earn a lot of money ;) don't take two that both need to "track" raw materials, skinning is a brilliant money earner coupled with Mining.

Make friends, be polite and social, it will make leveling a lot easier.

"Remember to take all things in moderation, even world of warcraft"
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