This Business and Moment...

Plan is to move into predominately wireless charging products as there's no batteries in a wireless charger, not the one I'm going to be selling anyway. Market is UK wide in that instance. Wireless charging will become the norm in the future. Just set your phone down and walk away, job done. As for N.I. customers, 98% of NI population have at least one gadget in the home that needs charging. People using their phones more in the future, battery development not progressing as fast as people want (see iphone owners), means there will be a market for my portable chargers in the meantime. Convenience of just topping up the battery, on the move, is a big factor. Stick the charger on to your phone and stick it in your pocket or bag. Sorted.

That's the "plan" but what @Basher was asking was more of a; How have you validated your business model? Your value prop is currently your chargers and cables. (Keep wireless stuff aside, as that's another model you also need to validate) Your customer segment is, who? People with devices who need to charge them? Drill it down further, what age ranges specifically? Male/ female? What are their daily habits? Where do they currently purchase?
Your customer channels are? (how are you reaching your customers?) Online shop only? How do you tell people about your products? How do you essentially draw people to those channels, whatever they are? Have you validated these as well? (i.e. google ads, cost is X, customer acquisition cost is ?$) What's your after sales strategy etc?

You'd be really well placed in doing a business model canvas to outline all this stuff and test it, to see what works and what doesn't. You can do it for this value prop as well as the wireless stuff which will help you cut down waste and doing things that cost money for the sake of it. If you google business model canvas image it'll give you something you can print and stick post it notes on very quickly, which will get you to really ask questions of your business model.

(I really enjoy this stuff, it really gets you to drill into the details and at the end of it, you have so much more clarity in what you're doing/ where to go to scale)
Offer came through in writing this morning.. Spoke to the boss about it first thing, totally unexpected I think. He spoke to his boss. Decision is that they won't be making a counter offer! Whether that's because they know they can't match it or if I'm just not as important as I thought I was ( :p ) I don't know but certainly makes my decision easier.
Nice one, all done and dusted then!
Was chatting to my wife on the way back from the mountains at the weekend, she kinda lost her cake mojo at the end of last year having had a reallllly busy summer. Probably a bit of burn out tbh. (background: she makes cakes, really good ones! Bday/Wedding etc. big, expensive cakes lol)
She wanted to do more with her Harper Mae's business, but it's really hard work busting out cakes every night after work when you work 100% too and the money can be pretty good (her cakes start about 120CHF-1k+) but it's long old hours for that.
We discussed options and one thing she's going to trial is a bit of a rebrand, and refocus. She's going to try offering 2 courses in Basel (maybe Zurich after) for 16 people (she's found a venue for 16) to learn how to decorate one of her new cakes she's been working on. She's going to do another prototype this weekend and we'll get some nice shots etc. and then put the word out there locally. This is a 3 tier cake, one that will take all day for people to make at least. The bonus of this is she can try and fill as many spaces as possible and the money is actually way better than making cakes. If she fills each place, she'd be easily making more in a day than she would over a couple of really good months making cakes. She's even got someone lined up as an assistant, found a space, just needs to get the word out once she's done some promo stuff for it.

Obviously I've been roped into help a bit, but I'll keep away from the actual cake side :P it's nice though, she's got her creative passion back and is planning how to build it further.
She could be looking at youtube videos or even ebooks on it as well, free to make and all bring in revenue ;)
She has a channel, about 1220 subs and only 7 vids. A great number of views and still gets about 900 views a month across that 7, but it always falls on me to spend time to edit etc and I'm no expert and it's looooong. So while the $8 she's made from YouTube is nice, it's way less bang for the buck compared to day courses. She could charge 350CHF a day for a course!
This week has been so crappy on the whole ASM/ project I'm on. It's all crap. Project, software, vendor. All crap.
I can't complain too much, as it doesn't max me out, I mean it should more, but I'm always blocked. Everyday. So whatever.

Been a bit of a random week though, as on Tuesday I read a blog about writing a book. This is something I've wanted to do for years. I'd love to write a series of kids books tbh, even ones for the age of my daughter, so like ±4yrs old and that. I've always wanted to do a few really, I'm not short of things to say haha and then reading this post I didn't realise that now the barriers to do this yourself are incredibly low. You can self publish easily on amazon. Holy crap!? No way!
So, I started typing. And typing. And it turns out I wrote a book. I mean, it's about 50 pages, so it's not exactly a huge book, but a boo nonetheless!

I know @Phate has seen :P but thought I'd share. It's cheap, get yourself on the pre oder. It's genuinely one thing I can now tick off my bucket list and it's all rather funny! Yea, this week I wrote a book.

Oh, and Goat Clash is being dropped hopefully publicly today out of test beta! Which is cool
Thanks guys! Was really funny feeling really, I was like :o it's on amazon!? haha

@EVH that's a bummer, but were you unhappy with your salary before you knew? How long have you been there now? Less than a year isn't it?
You don't know what will come, no point worrying about any transfers until it happens. Can't control it, don't worry about it.
As for the wife stuff, that's always a pain. I just got hit with a 1500quid elec bill (good old french sent all my bills to my old house), as well as 2.4k school tuition fee bill. January has been the longest thing ever, especially only getting paid for 1 week in Dec due to holidays. I'm tiiiiight.
There's no such thing as the perfect candidate, it's a unicorn. If you have got to interview stage then there's a very high chance that you are in the ballpark at the very least.
So much this!! Completely agree. They will always just list of everything under the sun they can think of in the ideal world. Likelihood of that person existing is neigh on impossible most the time.
lol no prob! Thanks guys :) much appreciated!

Other news, we've been looking at a huge renovation house project as well. Dates back to 1750! Has an old barn attached we'd convert, and with our rent being crazy high, we could build what we'd like and have a stunning house for less than our current rent. Just a crap ton of work and stress but you know I love that :p:p
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