** This Instant, Moment, and Month - March 2017 **

29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
How did it go?

Well that was a complete ****ing waste of time. The salary guide wasn't correct, the guy "interviewing" me had the life of a wilted sprout and quite obviously didn't want to be on the phone to me in the first place, and he phoned me half an hour late and didn't apologise which is just downright unprofessional and rude, and by that point I had resigned myself to the fact that the call wasn't going to come.

He gave no introduction, no friendly chatter, no explanation of the company and what they do, didn't ask me about the company at all, and went straight into interview style questions which caught me totally off guard because there was a 15 second delay between sitting here in the sun thinking about my car and beer, and being asked by a potential employer why I am leaving my current role... So I completely crumbled, it went downhill quickly, and in the end I think we both just wanted the call to be over...

Never experienced anything like it... I said so much ******** to him that I can't work there now even if he did miraculously offer me a position... Its like my brain and my mouth were unconnected and I was just saying words while in a wild panic.
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