This is hillarious (check your white male privilege)

29 Jan 2008
The internet lets you put a microscope on niche groups and make them seem relevant.

This is one of those times.

Not really, sure the group/conference of Indy developers is small, the sentiment being shared on twitter about it is part of a larger shift towards identity politics.

Did you miss 2016's Oscars coverage or something?
17 Jun 2012
South Wales
It does make me chuckle when I read those comments and it's always from the usual suspects. You can look throughout the whole of human written history and you will find the same things being said by the older generation against the younger, because "they do something different than in my day"

Good post

In world history where we had manged to get through natural disasters, horrific regimes that exterminate their own people for reasons as simple as heritage/race, empires that are hell bent on taking over the world and forcing their way of life on the natives, the invention of bombs that could wipe out millions of people in a blink of a eye. No, none of these were the downfall of society, it's going to be a few idiots talking crap on twitter. :p
17 Feb 2006
What are you searching for that regularly comes up with this sort of thing?

You mean a group of people with a common link coming together to discuss said link and help each other out?

Much like OcUK?

Or more seriously these kind of communities are all over the place, in every industry, with every possible connection. So yes, it makes sense there are communities for BAME and gay members of that industry, just like there are usually communities for women, for graduates/young people, for people of different nationalities, universities etc. etc.

Many of these communities will organize regular get together, seminars and events. It’s a pretty common occurrence.
Would you find it weird if there was a community for, eg, LGBT plumbers?

Mud-wrestling pilots? Goat-herding surgeons?

We're supposed to be ignoring race and sexual persuasion aren't we? Or is that absolutely not true. We're supposed to be looking out for race and persuasion, in order to give certain groups special treatment? I forget which it is these days.
26 Feb 2007
I think you're putting far too much reverence behind a Tweet with 41 responses. You can literally find any opinion on Twitter and point to it as some sort of societal rot - it's how a lot of tabloids tend to write their online content.

While what you say is true the unfortunate thing is that these kind of 'twitter storms' actually get listened to and companies instantly bend to their will and change policy. It's a dangerous thing when uninformed mob justice can do this and should rightly be challenged.
7 Jul 2011
I'm a left leaning luvvie and that twitter convo still made my ears bleed. Such sanctimonious twaddle.

I need help with this. Is there any easy ranking system that I could use to work out how bad I am as a person? What I need is some kind of website where I can plug in my details and it spits out something like "as a white male atheist who earns £x a year you are worse than Hitler, but slightly better than Satan". Then I know where I am on the scale and I can look at what I can do to make myself a better person, I could do another search and see where I rank if I convert to Islam and undergo a sex change for instance, what if I leave my job and become a youtube commentator focussing on promoting Marxism.?

There was a poster previously who said that the aim is equality of opportunity and that we're not there by a long way yet, spot on. But the best way to highlight inequality of opportunity based on race is probably not to go out and lambast a bunch of people based on their race, there's something a bit sinister about saying "Racism is a terrible thing and it's damaging society, and it's only happening because all white people are awful!". Stop whinging about how everybody else gets special treatment and start addressing what can be done to bring everyone to a level playing field without assuming the best way to do that is to drag everyone down until equality is achieved through everyone having nothing.
18 Mar 2006
Birmingham, UK
I do wish people would stop usng phrases such as "the downfall of society", "society is screwed", "sea change in society", "shape society", etc.; haven't you people learned yet that "There is no such thing as Society"?

As some other right-wing loony said "Too many tweets make a tw@t".

Maybe use the full quote in context?

"I think we've been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation."
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.

Human rights are entitlements, and you don't need to meet any obligations for them. Thatcher's speech writers were good at turning a snappy phrase, but they didn't think them through very well.


Citizenship and the privileges of royalty are two other entitlements you can obtain without meeting any obligations; you can be literally born into them.
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10 May 2012
Human rights are entitlements, and you don't need to meet any obligations for them. Thatcher's speech writers were good at turning a snappy phrase, but they didn't think them through very well.

"Human Rights" are something that we as a society decided to implement, calling them Human Rights doesn't mean you're automatically born with them, we only have those rights because society enforces them. There are enough countries where those rights don't exist if you think otherwise.
25 Jul 2005
Would you find it weird if there was a community for, eg, LGBT plumbers?

Mud-wrestling pilots? Goat-herding surgeons?

The former, not particularly. Presumably there’s a fair number of LGBT plumbers around? That said I’d hazard a guess that there are less societies in general in the plumbing community because of the nature of it.

The latter two examples, well I’d be surprised if there were enough people in those industries interested in those sort of things... Besides, they’re a little different to skin colour and sexual orientation.

We're supposed to be ignoring race and sexual persuasion aren't we? Or is that absolutely not true. We're supposed to be looking out for race and persuasion, in order to give certain groups special treatment? I forget which it is these days.

No, I don’t think anyone’s arguing we “ignore” race or sexual orientation in that sense. The point is to provide equality regardless of skin colour or orientation.

I find it odd that you find people in a minority grouping together as odd. It’s not exactly unusual.:confused:
8 Jan 2007
Its just a bunch of nobodies getting upset because they weren't invited due to having not achieved anything.

Its just that instead of bitter mumbling down the pub they can now spew their bile across the internet.
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