This man knows who stole my phone, can anyone help

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immense, just immense.

been following this since I first saw it appear, think it had about 8 posts, didn't think much of it. Installed the app though, played with it, came back on there this evening to see what had happened and am highly impressed, and well entertained! GREAT result OP!!!!! :)
There's certainly some bizarre stuff on Sohail "the phone thief" Youtube channel :eek:

Don't worry I'm not going to spam him, but it's fairly easy to find, especially after estebanrey originally put the link up ;)
Just wasted my whole night away reading this thread from start to finish. Thread of the century tbh and the one true thread on OCUK worthy of 5 stars :D.

Glad you got your phone back OP. Shame he didnt get more than a slap on the wrist despite you having definitive proof the scumbag lied. Nevertheless a good outcome overall.

Also bought myself Cerberus and got to say what a brilliant bit of kit it is. Rather ashamed tbh that I didn't know about it before hand considering im well clued up on tech and work in a flippin O2 shop hehe. Dont know whether to start suggesting it to customers though as the more people that know about it the less effective it is I guess hmmmm...

Wonder how many people have bought Cerberus after this thread. Bet there chuffed for the free publicity. :)
So a lot of people guessed correctly regards the tap on the wrists! But yay for getting the phone back which is a lot better an outcome then most get from a burglary!

Police response in the end was very good, just some silly people in the call center. But the response from those going to his flat was awesome! So if any of you are reading this massive thank you for going the extra mile and getting in there!!!!

The fact he got a caution means that he wouldn't have had any previous history for this and when that's the case, anything more than a caution is rare.

You also need to remember that we often know that people have committed crimes, but unless we can prove them, it's useless.

Nice to see you get the phone back anyway!
Just spent 2hrs reading this.

Don't have a smart phone so won't be installing the software, but when i do, i'll deffo root and whack this on!

Does it work on tablets?

Epic thread well done op!
Make sure you also buy App Lock, hide that and use it password protect the Google Play app, otherwise as we discovered yesterday all they have to do is go on to Google Play, my apps and there it is saying "Installed" making any hiding of it pointless.

Omg that isn't even a shirt. Look at the buttons on the front. What a loser.
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