This photography thingy is great!

18 Oct 2002
In here and out there.
Have spent most of my night reading through some books and playing about with the camera, now that morning has broken and lots of natural light abounds, it's time to get serious.

my first serious image:


I loaded the 400D onto my tripod, selected Aperture Priority mode and chose f/11, set the timed shot to go and waited for a stable image to be taken.

Things I know I need to improve:
*There needs to be more natural lighting on the crow, it seems too dark to me.
*The background needs to be more industrial and dark in texture, it's too light for the mood I'm trying to create.

Any other ideas?

Cheers all, especially those who offered advice to me so far. :)
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I think you've already identified the main two points. A good industrial wasteland and some fill in flash should produce an interesting picture.
Yeah, the background deffinately needs to change. and as gord says, maybe use some fill flash, or just a simply reflector (Tinfoil or white paper will work) to bounce some light back into the bottom of the crow. Good effort so far though. How big is the model?
The model is about 18" high, he's stood on top of my DVD cabinet, so I used a tripod and set the camera at the same height as his feet.
I will be on the lookout in work now for some material that'll be good for a backdrop.

Regarding fill in flash, do you mean that I should use the flash on the camera or an external flash device as I don't own an external flash yet, have only just started off.
Will experiment with sticking some foil (shiny side down to diffuse the reflected light)to some card and go from there.

I did try f/8 but the wings of the crow were soft around the edges, thinking back I should have moved the camera or figure to accomodate.

Cheers. :)
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