Tiff Needel FWD techniques

Now that I have a RWD car (Z4) I would like to learn how to powerslide etc in a safe environment, where would the best place to get somebody to teach you how do this stuff properly, I guess some kind of track day would be in order?

Now that I have a RWD car (Z4) I would like to learn how to powerslide etc in a safe environment, where would the best place to get somebody to teach you how do this stuff properly, I guess some kind of track day would be in order?


Drive to germany, one of the nurburgring carparks is nice and large :)

Bit of a drive like :p
Yeah but I don't want to start chucking around £20K worth of car, I would like somebody to teach me, don't they have "instructors" at these kind of events.

I just started at small junctions while pulling out of them and am slowley getting it more and more not been on a driving day yet but i would like to, great thing is MX5 / Elise days are easy to sort out, i've not seen a Z4 day yet, not sure of any generic driving days.
They have had instructors at all the track days I've been too. They would probably be more interested in teaching fast driving skills over Tokyo drift wanabe skillz, though.

I dont think I got that much out of my session with an instructor as back then I was still gaining confidence with driving my car at speed (or on the edge) and just being on track full stop. I wouldnt mind taking some instruction on track techniques again in the future once my natural self learning curve on track starts to slow.
Yeah but I don't want to start chucking around £20K worth of car, I would like somebody to teach me, don't they have "instructors" at these kind of events.



Just down the M11 at North Weald and Walshy is an excellent teacher. Website seems to be down atm.

Damn, olv beat me to it ;) Top day out and I learned LOADS. Mainly that I'm nowhere nearly as good a driver as I thought :cool: Really should book onto another day soon.
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Trickle said:
Airfield day > 'track' day for mucking about.

Get yourself some spare wheels with older tyres for it too.

im probably going to do it just before i buy a set of alloys or something....good idea? that way i burn out old tires, just as a fit new ones.... but then ive only got a fiesta so its not as if i can do much.....
Firestar_3x said:
Problem is don't you get loads of idiots on the airfield trying to show off?

Mr2's repeatedly spinning out infront of you does get tiresome after a while I guess.

There is lots of run off at most corners so provided no one is behind you, being a idiot on an airfield day doesnt impact anyone else too much. You arnt being an idiot if there are no other cars about at the time. Thats the idea. The track days I've been on will also black flag you if you spin off on consecutive laps anyway.
Pah, the perfect handbrake turn for me in my old cavalier (long time ago ) was 40 mph so that ruled out 1st gear!, ultimately the handbrake turn, reverse flick destroyed my differential :( , and the 90 use to be done at about 75mph :D.

I've calmed down somewhat since them days.

Did I mention I lived in wales for a number of years!, not many straight roads and not a great deal to do!, used to cost me a fortune in tyres though.
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