Tiger Woods 2007 - How's your handicap?

27 Sep 2005
Burbage, Hinckley
I have been getting right into Tiger Woods 2007 lately and have just finished the Tiger Challange - yet to start the PGA Tour though.

For some reason though I find that my game has improved dramatically over previous verisons and was wondering if this is down to me or the game.

Anyone else fidning it easier? How about posting some User Records to compare?

I only have it on the PC, my handicap on that is 0 (being a Pro I don't get one), my scoring average is about 63 overall.

I think i'll get TW2008 on the XBox360 when it comes out.
2007 is a really annoying game in that some PGA rounds are stupidly difficult - one round saw a pro shoot 62 - 57 - 58 - 56!!!!

He was like -50 under par by that end almost.... whats the point in that?? Very stupid imho... makes it very annoying when you want a more realistic game :/
Only picked this up at the weekend and am loving it so far. Just started the Challenge Tiger part. Finding the difficulty ok so far, just need to train my player to hit the ball further than 260yds :(
Baz said:
Only picked this up at the weekend and am loving it so far. Just started the Challenge Tiger part. Finding the difficulty ok so far, just need to train my player to hit the ball further than 260yds :(

just keep playing the challenges, by the time i had finished all them my player was maxxed out pretty much.
Kyle009 said:
just keep playing the challenges, by the time i had finished all them my player was maxxed out pretty much.

That's what I am planning to do, once the challenges are done, I'll do the mini games then the PGA tour :)
Doesn't TW2007 adapt the strenght of the AI oppenents to your own scoring?

I thought that was the case, if you start a round with a few birdies the opponents start hitting more fairways and putts and when you suck they also suck?
Dutch Guy said:
Doesn't TW2007 adapt the strenght of the AI oppenents to your own scoring?

I thought that was the case, if you start a round with a few birdies the opponents start hitting more fairways and putts and when you suck they also suck?

yeah id agree with that, sometimes ill be leading by 5 shots going into the next round, only to find that the opponents will have a monster round, and close the gap. annoying, i guess its the golf equivalent of "catch up" in driving games.
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