Tiger Woods Wii Review

18 Jun 2004
IGN have reviewd Tiger woods on the Wii heres a few quotes and the score;

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 for Wii is good, but not great. I like to think of it as an important first step. EA has with the title created a fun, but sometimes-flawed golf game – one overflowing with gameplay modes and options, but missing some control nuances. If you liked Wii Sports golf, but always wished you could do more with it, Tiger is your game. The control configuration works well enough to be enjoyable and entertaining most of the time, but there are also some frustrations, particularly when your seemingly straight swings send your golf balls curving into trees, anyway. On top of that, I think the series could and should look much better on Nintendo's console and am hoping that EA takes a cue from Wii Sports golf, whose presentation may be simple, but it's also finely polished. If you're a die-hard golf fan then I would recommend you pick this game up. It doesn't magically transform your Wii remote into a golf club, as you might be hoping, but as far as golf simulations go on Wii, you're not going to find any better. That is, until next year's version, which can't come soon enough.
7.5 Presentation
A commendable selection of gameplay modes and options combined with easily navigated menus.
7.0 Graphics
Good. Runs in 480p and 16:9 widescreen. The look is more washed-out than Wii Sports. Could look much better on Nintendo's console.
6.0 Sound
Quiet and unremarkable, with a selection of out of place Happy Gilmore-style crowd calls.
7.5 Gameplay
Good fun, but still flawed. Wii Sports plays better in some respects and Tiger bests it in others.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
A huge selection of gameplay modes will keep gamers busy for weeks, if not more.
monkeyspank said:
I can't see the wii controller ever being accurate enough to have a frustration free golf sim. It's always going to be arcade.

It should be perfectly accurate. It just depends on how good you are and envisioning it being longer and therefore producing a clean swing.
i think the wiimote will never be as accurate as people have always wished it to be tbh.

Love mine, its fun, but i just dont think its going to ever be mapped 1:1 with movement in 3 complete dimensions - which would be needed for the realism we all crave, which is a shame.
monkeyspank said:
I can't see the wii controller ever being accurate enough to have a frustration free golf sim. It's always going to be arcade.
The accelerometer in the wiimote is more than capable.
monkeyspank said:
not a £30 bit of hardware, sorry.
The hardware is more than sufficient. The software is where the difficulties lie.
I use accelerometers in very complex vibration jobs, the wiimote acc is excellent but you have to convert the output signals from the wiimote into meaningful data ingame. Put simply the wiimote acc can happily track your movements in 3d space. The software and processing power in the hardware of the console itself then has to translate that into physics ingame. It is doable though. Definitely doable.
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monkeyspank said:
fair enough then. based on what's we have seen so far I still don't think a realistic and accurate golf sim will ever be released on the wii.
It could be. It would involve tracking the physical movements of golfers swinging and the resultant trajectory of the ball and doing lots of clever co-ordinate work to get one to relate to the other in game.
Given the disappointment re the Tiger Woods 2007 wii release I think they'll try a lot harder next time. I hope so as I really would love a good golf game for the wii.
If you think about it Wii sports almost had it right within a small programme that was just a rough stab at things as opposed to a full blown sim.
monkeyspank said:
fair enough then. based on what's we have seen so far I still don't think a realistic and accurate golf sim will ever be released on the wii.

Do we really want a realistic and accurate golf sim? If I want that I'd go down the driving range. What I want is WiiGolf with more than 9 holes.
Nzyme said:
6.0 Sound
Quiet and unremarkable, with a selection of out of place Happy Gilmore-style crowd calls.
7.5 Gameplay
Good fun, but still flawed. Wii Sports plays better in some respects and Tiger bests it in others.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
A huge selection of gameplay modes will keep gamers busy for weeks, if not more.

Personally if i buy a Wii its not going to be for graphics or sound as we all know the 360/ps3 are above it, its going to be gameplay and lasting appeal which this seems decent in so worth a shot if I ever get a Wii!
Well, my copy came today and it is the most annoyng game ever.
Most of the time you swing and it works ok, when it doesn't it doesn't for no reason. It just goes where it wants to.
On one green when I was putting the controller wouldn't stop rumbling and kept on moving the putter back without any feedback from me, apart from holding the B button down. It really can be poor in places.

Graphics - ok but nothing to shout about.
Sound - tis wierd hearing a crowd but not seeing one. :confused:
Gameplay - most of the time it's enjoyable, but those annoying control issues make it too frustrating and take things out of your control.

If I could go back, I wouldn't buy it again.
Doesn't feel finished at all.
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