**Today Only 27/05/2011**Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5850 Extreme 1024MB & TP-Link AV200 200Mbps Mini Pow

Anybody used the Powerline kit before. My wireless keeps dropping out and now that my line speed has been bumped up it is actually limiting my download speed?
Got to love the iPhone & 3G access at work!

Managed to snag another 5850. Already got one from the Epic Tuesday deal & this one was too good to miss too.

Currently running a Powercolor 5850 & the Sapphire I bought on Tuesday too but 2 sapphires will give much better cooling in my case (stupid motherboard design puts the 2 cards in crossfire about 1mm apart).

Just so you know, my Sapphire is sat at 22% fan speed @ 40c in a Fractal R3 case. ;)
LAN or WAN ?

Does anyone know if this TP-Link can be used in LAN only, or in conjunction with some router (like router + network device) acting as WAN-LAN gateway ? I mean is it any broadband provider in UK who uses power lines ? It would be nice alternative for my picky-from-time-to-time virgin ;-)
Powerline adaptors are a LAN bridge - they are invisible to routers etc. They work like plugging an Ethernet cable between devices so should, in theory, work with any network able device :)
Yes, but let's imagine: there are typical Ethernet (802.3) and WLAN (802.11) adaptors built in the popular modem-routers that use phone or fibre optic WAN connection.
Originally my question was regarding to that WAN connection - was there any provider who offers broadband through power lines (and this is conjunction with TP-Link I was asking for - it would be another device, not TP-Link standalone, of course, but using power lines as Ethernet media, too) ?

But then, I realized there's no need to use any router to establish connection between two such devices: "The PLC connection is transmitting the data through the electric wire between two outlets, so it at least requires two PLC adapters pluged into the outlet to transform the data streaming. With twin pack design, the starter kit ensures to establish a powerline network for the first time. ". So - in theory - it's even easier to make WAN connection (broadband access) having just one TP-Link device at home, because somewhere there it should be (?) provider's device to make adequate connection and share Internet connection to client side. I presume such device at provider side are present, but the biggest issue might be data trasfer through whole power line network. But time goes on, many things change, so it's worth to ask - maybe someone did it at once :)
My first purchase from OC, saw the 5850 Friday only two left and swooped on one, luvly jubbly :) Not sure if I will get it today tho, paid at 3.30ish dpd next day, probably end up gettin it Tuesday, ah well still worth the wait for that price :)
Just got my powerlines up and running great, plugged in an old router at the other end and using it to boost wireless signal and more wired!

Was a bit of pickle to set up, the button didn't automatically set it up so I had install the software and pair them manually. But all working great! Thanks!
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