Toilet humour

22 Mar 2006
Got sent a random video a week ago - a clip where they had set up a portaloo somewhere, and as soon as someone walks into it, they pull a portacabin in front of it and start pretending to hold a meeting there so when said person walks out of the toilet, they walk straight into the meeting. Does anyone know what I am talking about (and have a link to it)? Have tried googling but with no success!
it was just for laughs

didnt find it that funny tbh

altho that program did make me laugh a LOT once upon a time where they did a sketch where someone in a zombie costume would be buried under some earth in a park and would jump out of the ground at people as they walked past - classic
RAF Cosford about 15 years ago. One of the guys I went to the airshow with decided he needed to empty his bowels just before the Harrier appeared. He entered the porta-bog just as the Harrier was beginning it's display, when it came to the good old hovering tricks the vibrations from the engine noise must've have had an effect on the breeze blocks that were holding the porta-bog off the ground.

Result? One corner fell to the ground whilst my mate was in there taking a dump! Now that's toilet humour!
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Azagoth said:
RAF Cosford about 15 years ago. One of the guys I went to the airshow with decided he needed to empty his bowels just before the Harrier appeared. He entered the porta-bog just as the Harrier was beginning it's display, when it came to the good old hovering tricks the vibrations from the engine noise must've have had an effect on the breeze blocks that were holding the porta-bog off the ground.

Result? One corner fell to the ground whilst my mate was in their taking a dump! Now that's toilet humour!
LOL!! I bet that scared him to death, not to mention the mess it would have made :eek:
Just For Laughs rocks - I've got my V+ box to record the just makes me laugh all the way through (well, most of the way through!). Last series' "Best of..." was brilliant. :D
Nothing worse than a TV programme that uses way too much canned laughter to make itself seem funnier than it really is.
Raider said:
Nah that was Jackass

Just for Laughs is rarely amusing...
Nah, wasn't that.

Thinking about it, it might have been a japanese show. It was on these forums, and I remember people saying how they wondered how they got away with such an inherently dangerous show :eek:
georges said:
Nah, wasn't that.

Thinking about it, it might have been a japanese show. It was on these forums, and I remember people saying how they wondered how they got away with such an inherently dangerous show :eek:
Was that Banzi? That was a crazy but awesome show lol.

Parachuting Princess Diana figure from the top of a towerblock. Made me lol.
Their mostly on these Japanese comedy shows, i remember one once where these 2 guys go into a Sauna get the Towel on half naked and sit in a sort of wooden chair, after they just begin to relax 2 huge doors open and they go sliding downa mountain ona sledge, freezing cold.

i think it was on TarrantTV
That was the show I was thinking of!
They also did it with portaloos(but I can't remember exactly what happened. Think it may have tipped over and slid down a slope).
Azagoth said:
RAF Cosford about 15 years ago. One of the guys I went to the airshow with decided he needed to empty his bowels just before the Harrier appeared. He entered the porta-bog just as the Harrier was beginning it's display, when it came to the good old hovering tricks the vibrations from the engine noise must've have had an effect on the breeze blocks that were holding the porta-bog off the ground.

Result? One corner fell to the ground whilst my mate was in there taking a dump! Now that's toilet humour!

It's now of course DCAE Cosford, was there a fortnight ago !
oxist258 said:
Got sent a random video a week ago - a clip where they had set up a portaloo somewhere, and as soon as someone walks into it, they pull a portacabin in front of it and start pretending to hold a meeting there so when said person walks out of the toilet, they walk straight into the meeting. Does anyone know what I am talking about (and have a link to it)? Have tried googling but with no success!

Sounds like this one:
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