Tomtom Rider 400 or Garmin Zumo?

23 Jul 2011
Hi all,

I was looking for some advice. I need a sat nav for when I'm out and about on the bike. Looking at the lower end of the market the options I've got are the Garmin Zumo 390LM or the TomTom Rider 400, both are similarly priced, come with lifetime maps and updates and are well reviewed.

I've only ever had one stand alone satnav before the age of smartphones so I have no idea which is the better unit. The TomTom is a new release however it appeared to have had some initial bugs which where fixed with a software patch, but I can't find any post patch reviews to see if the issues are fixed.

Thanks for any input! :)
Thanks for the replies all. I think I'm gonna go for the TomTom. I've had a play with the Tyre software and I think it may take some getting used to. In case anyone else is interested TomTom have a deal at the moment for a free car mount if you purchase before the end of the year.
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