Tonight I shall be drinking this...

16 May 2004


Anyone one had this drink before?

It is on offer at Morrison's, 3 for £4. I fancied a change from the boring largers/beers so opted for this little number.

I have just opened one as a taster before my missus gets home from work. First impressions are,

Light in colour and slightly murky.
Very fizzy, much like Champagne.
Nice fruity aroma easy on the nose.
Smooth taste, goes down well. Not much of an after taste, slight ammount but not over powering.

So far so good. I shall let you know how I get on with the other two.:)

So, have you had this beer and what are your thoughts?
Had a tankard of Duval each with the gf the other night. Lovely beer but we'd already gone through 2 bottles of wine and a couple of shots so I may have been a little biest.
It's really nice - a bit odd because it's a strong alcohol beer that tastes quite light and refreshing.
caff said:
It's really nice - a bit odd because it's a strong alcohol beer that tastes quite light and refreshing.

Yeah I agree there. Its going down nice. I think the 3 bottles would be enough for one night.

They are only 330ml bottles. Equals to roughly half a pint each.:)
I tried drinking nail varnish remover once when I was younger and very drunk... tasted like pear drops at first and then... OH IT BURNS!!!!!!

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