too much thermal grease or too little?

4 Aug 2005

I redid the thermal grease on my i920 as i originally did it using the spread method which apparently isnt the best my temps are 3-4c higher. (i920 3.6ghz max:78c)

Whats worse? too much grease or too little...i have a feeling i must be putting too much on.
They are both as bad as each other, Just get it right Before you assemble, If there is any doubt at all in my TIM or contact or mounting I just re do it, I do it until I am 100% sure Everything is Perfect otherwise it nags away at me when I clock.
just a blob in the middle and spread it out with the heatsink itself.

the reason is that if you use a spreader and you put a heatsink on. you are trapping air between the TP and the HSF.

try a little pea i nthe middle and see how it goes.

Edit: I did the same method with OCZ Freezer and reduced temps by 5-7*C which is a really big deal by just changing the TM from AC5 to OCZ
Depends on the paste and the cooler, to be honest. If it's a HDT cooler (eg Xigmatek), you'll need to fill the gaps between the heat pipes and put a couple of lines of paste on the separators.

IC7 needs a generous pea sized amount to spread properly, but that's pretty rare.

MX2 and AS5 are definitely "less is more" pastes.

Best thing is to have a play and see what works best for you. This is worth a read:
for quads I do a vertical line (as you look at the CPU in a normally oriented mobo) starting and ending about 3-4mm from the top and bottom edge of the CPU
I was always told a blob the size of a grain of rice and spread it evenly to a thin layer with a business card or similar tool if that helps...
Do not spread it with intels.

As 3t3p says the best way for i5/i7 CPUs is a thin vertical line going top to bottom through the text starting and ending around 0.3cm from the edge.

For LGA775 quads do the same but a horiztonal line through the text.
I use the blob method with AS5 on my 775 chips and sometimes it can be a little reluctant to spread out properly, even after sufficient pressure. I'm thinking my tube might have separated out a little, could be time for some more, though I think I'd go with MX-3 if I were buying now.
Hmmm, so I guess I did mine wrong. I'm running a i7-920 with a Titan Fenrir on it. I spread the paste out using a businesscard type piece of plastic.

Should I reapply just running a single line down the middle as discussed then?
I use the 'small' (grain of rice 'ish) blob of AS5 spread with cc over cpu heatspreader. Clean round edges to remove any overspill. Object being to get as thin as layer as possible BUT have all areas contacting each other.

Never had any problems except with Titan Fenrir when I found the advise to firstly 'fill in gaps between heatpipes (and sink?) ' very helpfull. (Fussy but worth it.)

IMO the best approach (be it blob in middle / vertical line or other) is to Assemble /Run/Check Temps. then dis-assemble check contact/overspill and re-apply allowing for what you find.:)

N.B. Builds with AMD skt A, 754,939 & Intel dual and quad s775.
Thanks for that AgedIdiot. Good timing too actually, as I've got a new case arriving tonight from OCUK so I'll reseat the cooler once again using your notes ;)
If you have a cooler with a flat plate on the bottom it is irrelevant how you apply it, as long as you put the right amount on. All that do it like this and not like that is nonsense and makes no difference to temps. Having said that, spreading a very thin layer is the best method of determining if you have the right amount.

If you have a cooler that has direct contact between the heat pipes and the core's cover then you will need to do it as AgedIdiot says.
Roff i've been doing vertical lines on my 775 quad and have been getting good temps?
Didn't realise it was meant to be horizontal?...
why would it be different to i5/7 are the cores orientated differently?
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