Total Annihilation is alive and kicking

This to me is as close as you can get and new.

Ashes of the Singularity. just went into Beta on steam.

TA, still the best RTS ever made. Would love Chris Taylor to make TA2.

I think he now owns the rights again to TA so it may be in the works i think the world of tanks people purchased it and chris taylor works for them now.

I too would love a real TA2 loved forged alliance thought PA was just a worse version of forged alliance hated the silly planet rubbish.

There is also a unofficial patch for TA that adds a bunch of things

Makes me want to install TA again... :).
I have implemented the unofficial patch and it does wonders for performance. I might fire this back up again this weekend. Nothing better than patching in a better AI and having a challenging 3v1.
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