Does anybody have this MB?
I've had it for about a year and found an irritating problem with the SATA conections. They are on the side of the board rather than top down. I have a Lian Li case and found that the HD cage just nudged the connectors by a few ml's. Not enough to knock them out, but enough with the thermal expansion and contraction, over a few weeks they would start to move out of true.
It took me a while to work out what was going on, blue screen of death, very slow start up and down. Then i would lose the DVD and hard drives one by one, but they would appear again after a reboot, sometimes. After a clean install of the OS (which did nothing) I unplugged then plugged the SATA leads back in, and the PC ran sweet as a nut, for few weeks, then it started all over again. Eventual after tiring of this I removed the HD cage completely and mounted the HD's just below the optical drives, luckly the Lain Li case has plently of space.
Now the problem is almost gone, but instead of weeks it takes months for the SATA leads to work loose. I can fix it, but is this a design flaw with this MB? or do I have a bad example? Has anybody else had this problem?
I've had it for about a year and found an irritating problem with the SATA conections. They are on the side of the board rather than top down. I have a Lian Li case and found that the HD cage just nudged the connectors by a few ml's. Not enough to knock them out, but enough with the thermal expansion and contraction, over a few weeks they would start to move out of true.
It took me a while to work out what was going on, blue screen of death, very slow start up and down. Then i would lose the DVD and hard drives one by one, but they would appear again after a reboot, sometimes. After a clean install of the OS (which did nothing) I unplugged then plugged the SATA leads back in, and the PC ran sweet as a nut, for few weeks, then it started all over again. Eventual after tiring of this I removed the HD cage completely and mounted the HD's just below the optical drives, luckly the Lain Li case has plently of space.
Now the problem is almost gone, but instead of weeks it takes months for the SATA leads to work loose. I can fix it, but is this a design flaw with this MB? or do I have a bad example? Has anybody else had this problem?