Trackers: worth it?

18 Oct 2002
Obv for preventative use, but how much does it cost in general to fit and fund a tracker on most cars?

My car has a cat1 alarm as standard.
Hate said:
Obv for preventative use, but how much does it cost in general to fit and fund a tracker on most cars?

My car has a cat1 alarm as standard.

Dont know about fitting but iirc my dad pays £90 a year subscription for his tracker (rac)
i recently bought a skyline r32 gtr, it came with a tracker fitted and 11months subscription. I am not sure how much th tracker cost, but for 12 months subscription it was £109
I looked into it and the insurance discount was going to be less that the annual sub so it didn't happen
yes get it we had our porsche stolen and because we didnt have a tracker we never saw it again :S. If only we had a tracker :(. Whats say £300 when it could be a new car you have to get. Because the insurance wont cover what you first paid for the car and at its condition , so you might not be able to get the same again.
Mine has one but I don't bother paying the subsciption, I don't want my car back after it has been thrashed and red lined by some thieving idiot.
Firstly, you'll never get back the outlay in insurance savings.


yes get it we had our porsche stolen and because we didnt have a tracker we never saw it again :S. If only we had a tracker .

Yeah, if you'd have had a tracker, it would have been great - they've have delivered a knackered (maybe) Porsche back to you, with a big *Stolen/Recovered* HPI label on it, meaning it just wiped £20k off the value and no one would want to touch it.

But instead, you got the market value in cash back, and you could go out shopping for a fresh one.

I don't see the point of trackers at all, unless you have an extremely rare/special vehicle. If someone steals my car, they can bloody well keep it!
Matmulder said:

Yeah, if you'd have had a tracker, it would have been great - they've have delivered a knackered (maybe) Porsche back to you, with a big *Stolen/Recovered* HPI label on it, meaning it just wiped £20k off the value and no one would want to touch it.

But instead, you got the market value in cash back, and you could go out shopping for a fresh one.

I don't see the point of trackers at all, unless you have an extremely rare/special vehicle. If someone steals my car, they can bloody well keep it!

thats pretty much as I see it too
Exactly, if someone nicks my car and thrashes it round I definately wouldn't want it back! :( (Also been mentioned about the stolen/recovered label).

It won't save you that much money either, not much point in them imo (unless you NEED one for insurance).
mate has a scooby, fully modded and looks the biz.

anyway a few weeks back, he had a knock on the door, opened it and a group of youths barged in, got him to the floor and got hold of his keys to his car, they drove off, ~10 mins later he had his car back :)

tracker installed....

so yes i think its worth it of the car means a lot to you.
Matmulder said:
I don't see the point of trackers at all, unless you have an extremely rare/special vehicle. If someone steals my car, they can bloody well keep it!

yeap nail on the head. Dont want to get it back say i will have it back then 2 weeks later thing is knackered and insurance wont touch it because i took it back.
I would only get one if i had a unique car, if it was a car which was very rare or an old car which i know i wouldnt be able to replace then yeah get a tracker, if not, as much as i love my car, i hope if it gets stolen they find it burnt out somewhere so i dont get it back
tracker + blackjax or whatever it is > *.

tho i agree with the just tracker being pointless unless you feel the car would be caught very fast and you have something very personal in the car.
with the performance cars and rare ones, the cars are nearly always stolen to order so the police said. They could have taken other car keys, money phones, anything but just went for the porsche. Someone said they saw it parked in a street and called the police. It was there for around 24 hours to see if it had a tracket. Because no police came the robber knew it had no tracker so drove off.
[TW]Fox said:
Worth it on: £50,000 prestige cars
Not worth it on: 10 year old Toyotas.
I would only say its worth it if the car is something unique, not simply expensive. Something that would be hard to replace. Certianly not on the type of car the OP has in mind.

Agree with msot of the above, Id rather have the cash to go shopping than have my car back after its been stolen and ragged around. It is after all, only a car and easily replaced.

The only reason I would go for a tracker is if all insurance required it, or insurance costs were reduced enough to cover the running costs.
would make no difference to my Elephant policy as "it wouldnt prevent the vehicle being stolen in the 1st place" apparently.
roboffer said:
Agree with msot of the above, Id rather have the cash to go shopping than have my car back after its been stolen and ragged around. It is after all, only a car and easily replaced.

The only reason I would go for a tracker is if all insurance required it, or insurance costs were reduced enough to cover the running costs.

I agree. I think a Tracker is only really a good idea if you'd actually WANT the car back - maybe becuase it would be impossible to get another one, for example, you had a DB9 back when there was a 2 year waiting list for new ones.
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