Drill core re-sampling results for the India Vein on La India Project in Nicaragua
Condor (AIM: CNR) is pleased to announce the assay results for eight drill holes for 1,509 m of diamond core drilling that were drilled by a previous explorer but for which the original assay results were not available. The drill holes were all drilled into the India Vein in 2004 to infill previous drilling below the mined area to approximately 100 m spacing, and also to test for extensions of the gold mineralised structure along strike to the north and south. Prior to mine closure in 1956 La India Vein was one of the two principal structures exploited with historic mine workings along a maximum strike length of 1600 m on up to eight levels to a depth of up to 200 m below surface. The La India Vein also accounts for the largest single continuous component of the mineral resource announced by Condor on the 4th January 2011 estimated by independent SRK Consulting with a JORC compliant Inferred Mineral Resource of 1.93 Mt at 5.4 g/t for 334,000 oz gold out of the total of 4.58 Mt at 5.9 g/t for 868,000 oz gold estimated at La India Project.