Traffic lights, Motorway studs, Theory Stuff.

12 Sep 2005

Traffic lights, 2 main sorts, Puffin which are all over the play which arent specifically designed for pedestrians to cross (Ie they have to buttons to push) Right?

Toucan, Same as normal traffic lights, but they have a button and bikes can cross on them?

zebra, has a button, people only? Has zebra-esque strips on the road near them.

Which way to traffic lights go for drivers and pedestrians? I know red is stop (if its safe to do so) REd, steady amber then green? When does amber flash? When its going from green to red?

Motor way studs

I assume they are just red and white? Red on the left just like an airplane wing, then white?

Also, stopping distances and braking distances, which is the one where you have to think? Whats the formula for working it out?
Oooh i remember having a really nice chart at school in sciences on stopping distances but all i remember is on ice its 10x longer stopping distance on ice :p though thats no help
umm not sure on the correct answer but flashing amber after red everyone goes aslong as there is nobody on the road, flashing amber is only from red flashing amber to green, other way is solid green to solid amber to solid red.

Stopping distance is the whole thing, but its made up of thinking distance then breaking distance, and depending on the speed the thinking distance goes up as does the breaking distance obviously but road conditions change that.
On that link at the bottom

Some more good links
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Amber flash means the driver must give way to pedestrians who are already on the crossing.

That is, if someone is halfway across and the lights start to flash amber, the driver must wait for them to finish crossing but then has right of way over pedestrians still waiting to cross on the pavement.

As for studs: Taken directly from the highway code...

* White studs mark the lanes or the middle of the road.
* Red studs mark the left edge of the road.
* Amber studs mark the central reservation of a dual carriageway or motorway.
* Green studs mark the edge of the main carriageway at lay-bys, side roads and slip roads.
iBot said:
Motor way studs

I assume they are just red and white? Red on the left just like an airplane wing, then white?

They have orange cats eyes on the right hand side of the road.
Bill101 said:
I hope your test is not too soon :D

Nah, it's at least a day away.

My past rate with Driving test success is 85% (Both theory and hazard clicky bit) But some simple questions i just get plain wrong :/
BigDannyO said:
Remember, read 'toucan' as 'two-can' - that means its for pedestrians and cyclists! :o :D

I do, i just cant tell the difference between them.

I'm always behind other traffic (most of the time) and If i'm not I look at the lights and get ready to go when its red/amber steady(i think) and just go when it's green.
Now I think I remember this right -

Pelican crossings are the only ones that flash amber after red. You are allowed to move off on a flashing amber if the crossing is clear.

Toucan and puffin crossings go red, red & amber then green. You have to wait until the lights go green before you move off.

Zebra, obviously, you always give way to pedestrians.
iBot said:
I do, i just cant tell the difference between them.

I'm always behind other traffic (most of the time) and If i'm not I look at the lights and get ready to go when its red/amber steady(i think) and just go when it's green.

toucan lights don't flash amber, they change like normal traffic lights but someone has to push a button to activate them.
This is all so confusing. I just did a mock and go two wrong.

One about tram areas (I dont even live in blackpool!) And another about a car following you too closely (I said move left so he could overtake, the correct answer was slow down! He might crash in to me!)
iBot said:
And another about a car following you too closely (I said move left so he could overtake, the correct answer was slow down! He might crash in to me!)

The idea is that you create a bigger gap from the car in front of you, to give yourself more room to react. I agree with you though, it doesn't seem to make much sense given the list of options that you get. :)
i remember the way my instructor showed me how to remember stopping distance for the theory.

gives you the rough overall stopping distances, just have to pick the one thats closest to the correct number

20. 2 x 20 = 40

30. 2.5 x 30 = 75

40. 3 x 40 = 120

50. 3.5 x 50 = 175

... and so on...

not that it mattered much to me as i never got a question with stopping distances in my test:p
I fail to see why you have to memorize stopping distances for the test given that they vary massively from car to car, tyre to tyre etc.
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