Train late

6 Feb 2008
Just booking a short weekend trip to edinburgh via the train and was just wondering what happens say if you first train arrives late causing you to miss your changeover? Is your ticket invalid and you will have to purchase a new ticket or do the trainline at fault compensate for it?

Usually you just explain to the ticket collector if needed that your previous train was late and that's the end of it, most of the time though they'll already be aware of the trains that have been late so it often won't even be raised as an issue. It depends how late whether you are likely to get compensation.
Im guessing your bookingit in advance.

If your train is delayed and you miss the connecting the train you simply get on the next available train. The train conductor will already know this, just show him your ticket and say the first train was late.

This is how it has always been for me anyway!
is that the same even though you are using different train companies for the connecting changeover?

I can't tell you definitively that there won't be a problem but generally the ticket collectors will have an idea of what else is going on with the trains and provided you explain it to them in a vaguely reasonable fashion then there won't be any issues. Really the only way to be sure is to do it and find out.
Oh right, not that we want to claim back, getting the train with Eastmidlands then east coast (15 minute changeover) and just wondering as in winter delays are more prominent that if first train late, what happens?


The problem is if it's prepaid and you have a specific seat on the train, I've seen people fined for getting off early. Which means there could be a chance you would as well for getting on a different train despite it not being your fault :(

You're best bet would be to phone the train company or ask when you collect the tickets.

A train has to be about 4 days late before the compensation becomes remotely appreciable.

Well, maybe 4 hours, but you get the idea.
sometimes they hold the connecting train is the "first" train is late and if there is a lot of people using it as a connecting service. Obliviously this is only sometimes the case if it is 2 or 3 minutes late and not 20 minutes.
The problem is if it's prepaid and you have a specific seat on the train, I've seen people fined for getting off early. Which means there could be a chance you would as well for getting on a different train despite it not being your fault :(

Yep. I've been fined for getting on a later train (30 minutes later) as the tickets were a specific seat on the previous train.

Call them up and hear what they say :)
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