Travian Players - what do you like/dislike?

7 Dec 2007
Derbyshire, Tibshelf
Hey, for my uni project I am making my own browser game and realise that a fair few players come from OcUK so if you have played Travian before, what features, things etc do you like/dislike about Travian or any browser game for that matter... Thanks :D
hated the fact that if you wanted to be any good at it you HAD to pay their micro transactions. I know people have to make a living etc i just annoyed me.

Oh and by far the best thing you could do was to move as aggresively as possible as often as possible!
I quit it quite recently, as I just found it got a little boring. Although the game allows you to take a slightly more passive option, the best is the aggressive, as people will just raid you again and again forever if you don't have any defence.
Started playing a couple of months ago, 1800 population atm, I guess I would agree with the microtransactions thing... the people who pay will always be a lot better than those that don't. Other than that its pretty addictive :(
The game relies on a lot of third party mods that should be provided as standard such as player pop rises and troop tools so that leaders have to use these cumbersome tools to keep tabs on their players (I was a leader of Elite before i gave it up as i got busy)

The chief issue once you have a good alliance is coordination and Travian does this bady - there needs to be one, well programmed, area that leaders can go to and find out not only who is attacking whobut also is inactive

edit: i would add to the above that a facility to give orders to specific groups of players rather than the whole alliance is essential - within our alliance we have attackers and defenders and the idea that we had to send IGM messages to these individual players one by one was very annoying but in order to have a proper tactical discussion you had to ull them into a third part chat room using skype or yahoo which was farcical - there needs to be a proper chat facility for the game with proper security.

also the 9 and 15c discovery lends an unfair advantage to those that get them first.
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