Treadmill belt too abrasive

8 Feb 2004
Hi. The belt on my cheap treadmill is too abrasive and hence is wearing down my shoes an unacceptable rate of attrition. Any ideas on how I can make it less abrasive? Maybe a coat of dilute PVA glue?
I'd recommend placing a model aircraft on it and seeing if it will take off.

Or as has been said, pick up feet / go slower.
Butter some toast and tie it to your shoes, buttered side against your shoes. Since toast can only land buttered side down, it will be unable to touch the surface of the treadmill and you will hover just above the surface of the treadmill. You may have to jump onto the treadmill to simulate the toast falling.

EDIT: On second reading, I have seen the underlying cause of the problem and so can advise the OP on a proper fix rather than a workaround:

Hi. The belt on my cheap treadmill is too abrasive [..]

Replace that low earner belt with a Gucci belt to solve the problem.
Running shoes should in general be replaced after about 300 miles.

I doubt your treadmill is more abrasive thsn concrete and tarnac outside.

in fact, everything i have ted suggests running shoes last longer on a treadmill than outside. So i would rather question what shows you are wearing snd how you sre running?

I say this as a series run addict, i do about 5000km per year with a load of vertical. Next weekend i will be running 110km with 8700m of climbing in the alps.

shoes wear out quickly, they are expensive for good shoes. But it is cheaper than biking and more convenient than swimming. If i am marathon training s £150 pair lf shoes might be done in 5 weeks .
I say this as a series run addict, i do about 5000km per year with a load of vertical. Next weekend i will be running 110km with 8700m of climbing in the alps.

You nutter, I did a 26k fell run in the alps a few years ago and it almost killed me :D hats off to you
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