Treo 650 (or other smartphone?)

4 Oct 2003
I'm looking to get a smartphone, as I find I'm using my t610 as a organiser more (and it's useless at that), and would like to pick up emails and possibly browse the web on the move.

I've owned a palm pda before and love the os, so the treo 650 looks great. It's got a nice high res screen, keyboard, bluetooth, and looks to be quite small.

Where's the cheapest place to get one (pay as you go or sim free)? Ebay seems to be the cheapest (they usually go for £200-300). Everywhere else they are £400 new.

Should I be looking at a different smartphone? I'd rather not get one that runs windows, especially as I need to sync with my apple mac. Anyone with a treo that would like to comment on it?
I did look at the Treo650, but decided against it because the keyboard was too small and it's aerial sticks out :p.

I don't think anyone will be able to tell you where to get them cheap as the suppliers will probably be competing with OcUK on some of their products. However I have seen a sim free Treo650 bundled with TomTom Mobile for the UK and a Palm BT GPS and BT headset for £505.
Looking down the list of compatible iSync devices, pretty much every single Symbian phone would sync with your mac. In fact, they seem to be the only ones that have full compatibility, including address book photo sync.

If you're looking for a touchscreen device, you could look at the Sony Ericsson P910i. It's being replaced by the P990i in about May, so you'll probably be able to pick one up cheap on eBay.
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