juries make mistakes regardless of evidence
please give an example of a vile murderer with overwhelming evidence of guilt being let off by the jury
juries make mistakes regardless of evidence
A babysitter who killed three children and impaled their bodies on garden railings has been cleared for release.
David McGreavy was sentenced to life in 1973 for killing Paul Ralph, four, and his sisters Dawn, two, and nine-month-old Samantha in their Worcester home.
please give an example of a vile murderer with overwhelming evidence of guilt being let off by the jury
Then you're contradicting yourself
I think the same thing.
David McGreavy: Triple child killer cleared for release
This is the problem with not executing people in this country, they get released. Why should this guy; A, be released, and B, not have been executed?
I think when talking about this subject the vast majority, probably 99% are guilty as charged. The question becomes are we prepared for the 1% innocent people to die too?
My personal feeling is that in cases were the death penalty as been chosen as the punishment, that another case should be opened to test the verdict of the case and if there is the slightest doubt then the sentence would be changed to life in prison. But if after going through 2 indepth cases and the verdict is strong then they should be executed. Why should we, the tax payer pay for their upkeep when they have done such a vile crime?
David McGreavy: Triple child killer cleared for release
This is the problem with not executing people in this country, they get released. Why should this guy; A, be released, and B, not have been executed?
I wonder if they'll give him a new identity now and try to "hide" him in some poor unsuspecting community.This is the kind of case where it should be applied without a doubt.
Killing 3 kids is despicable. Someone like that is not fit to exist on this earth.
and yet it still happens.
Something like the death penalty should never be used unless the evidence leaves absolutely no room for doubt.
What about the killers of Lee Rigby, they are 100% guilty of the crime. I believe they should be put to death for what they have done.
I found it interesting that they've authorised a change in the administration of the drugs. Companies are refusing to supply the US with the three drugs traditionally used to induce unconsciousness, paralysis and then death. The Trump administration has now authorised the use of a single drug, phenobarbital, to overdose the convicted on anaesthetic instead (similar to how animals are PTS).
Being innocent and incarcerated for life until you die isnt exactly nice. Im not sure its any better than being killed TBH.
Which the manufacturer has also put a lot of effort in trying to prevent it being used in executions.
Quite. It does beg the question what the end result may be though. More electric chair, gas chamber and firing squad executions in lieu of lethal injection? Bringing back hanging (I don't recall it being used in the US these days)? The Chinese death vans don't seem to have any trouble sourcing drugs, so perhaps the US will just start looking further afield for there drugs instead. Or just start putting bullets in people or lining them up on gallows.
this is true, although at least if you're alive it's possible new evidence etc could get you released.
of course this is an area that isn't black and white, and frankly i'm not sure which side of the issue i stand because both sides have good points.
after all, i'm sure all but the most hardcore anti-execution proponent would have agreed that if we'd caught hitler alive we should have executed him, so where between the genocide of millions and the murder of 1 person do we draw the line that says "ok this person needs to die"
If you're going to do it, go one of two ways:
- Use hanging, electric chair or other method that makes it really visible how barbaric it is. If people want to watch, don't hide the consequences of the decision to execute.
- Go the other end of the spectrum and use something like inhaling an inert gas and cause death through hypoxia. Many advocates of the death penalty don't like this as the inmates get a feeling of euphoria before death interferes with their vengeance.
I can only assume some of them have been kept in isolation cells otherwise they'd be long dead.Can’t say they don’t deserve it