Turning Pro - Prices

1 Aug 2007
i turned pro earlier this month. So far, I have been doing family portraits and I have a couple of under 7 and under 9 football matches coming up.

I would appreciate the opinion of the pros round here on my price list:



Text is all the same size and sentences are too wide across the screen making the text harder to read.

Regarding the pricing structure, what if people want a digital copy for facebook etc.?
I personally thought a mainly print fee based pricing structure was a little old school these days?
I don't think it's just about word of mouth though. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been recommended something and then went on to look for them on the web. It may just be a bit off putting even if it was a word of mouth recommendation.


I wouldn't know much about prices though.
As others have said, sort out the site! I have been astounded by some of the images you post on here Gaffer but I really don't think your website does them any justice in the slightest. Just looks like its been thrown together purely to get your images online, sort out the site with a nice easy to use navigation and simple text to give a more professional approach and feel to the whole thing :)
I've no idea about pricing, but the wording seems a little off. Where you mention half price to everyone, I can see you having a lot of queries asking if that means each additional photo is half the price of the last one for each additional purchase. I'm pretty sure you mean it's 50% of the original price for each additional print.

I deal with pedantic queries all day in my job, and that will definitely attract the loons :D
As has already been said, do the website! I'd definitely want to go online and see a photographer's photos before hiring him/her, and this would put me right off.
As others have said, sort out the site!

Ok, ok! I hear you all.

I have opened up dialogue with my favorite graphic designer and web architect. The web site will be completely re-designed.

Many thanks for pointing out the blindingly obvious. I had somewhat overlooked this...

Ok, ok! I hear you all.

I have opened up dialogue with my favorite graphic designer and web architect. The web site will be completely re-designed.

Many thanks for pointing out the blindingly obvious. I had somewhat overlooked this...


Good stuff, look forward to seeing the end result :)
Gaffer, I turned full time pro about 12 months ago. Most of your questions are ones I went through. I have a studio just off jn15 of the M4. I have no idea where you are but you would be welcome to pop in for a coffee and a chat. Feel free to contact me via my trust details.
I'd probably invest in a better domain name as well - tug.com is epic but has some nasty connotations.

Which 3-letter common English word domain name should I buy instead?

And which house should I sell to finance it? :-)

My namespace is already very polluted:



http://andrewbeattie.com/ and http://andrewbeattie.co.uk/

It is true that "tug" has a slang meaning: "To masturbate feverishly"

But the reality is that most people don't know it. I tell lots of people my domain name and you're average guy in the street doesn't make the association. On the other hand, having a domain name that people can remember (I do a tug on the shirt sleeve thing to help them...), is invaluable.

With the right audience (such as one of you guys...), I will make the "masturbate feverishly" reference anyway.

Tug.com is >me<. It might not say "photographer", but it is as much part of my identity as "Andrew". it kinda has to stay.

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