TV/Film epic moments

Film wise, LOTR-The Two Towers, Gandalf, Eomer and Rohirrim charging down the hill at the end of Helms Deep, gets me EVERY time.

TV wise, jesus nearly everything Whedon has ever done. Buffy - The Body episode, Jenny Calender's death. Firefly/Serenity - Wash's death, Inara crying in Heart of Gold, Angel - Fred's death, Doyles death, Cordy's death, Wesley's death, Lorne shooting Lindsey. Dollhouse - The end of Epitaph One.

John Travolta coming out of the toilet (newspaper in hand) in Pulp Fiction and realising he's left his gun on the table - always amuses me :p

Cant think of any that left me with goose bumps tho :(

// Edit - It has got to be this:

With memorable quotes such as:

"This is the Admiral - brace for turbulence" and "Altitude 99K and falling like a rock"
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John Woo's Red Cliff (Original Part 1 and 2) - Ba Gua Battle Formation shaped like a Turtle, the sight of Cao Cao's huge Naval Fleet, Zhuge Liang's 100,000 arrows scene and the Wu forces making "bombs" using fish oils and eggs.

Independence Day - When the Alien spaceships appear out of the sky and hover above the major cities causing mass panic. Just the sheer size of the spaceships and thinking how awesome or ridicuously scary it would be if it were to happen in real life. :D

Star Wars - Quite a few moments like the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope mainly because of the music / Admiral Ackbar's "It's a trap" scene again because of the music in Return of the Jedi / The huge group of Jedi running into battle at Geonosis and Yoda vs Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones / The high pitched noise when Darth Vader's mask was attached on and afterwards his iconic breathing sound in Revenge of the Sith.
SAW had the most impressive ending / twist of any film I have seen.
This I think...
When I first saw SAW 1 - the ending blew me away - I must have sat there for about 5 or 10 minutes after the film in pure mind-blow-ment... it's a word :p
Omar getting shot in the head by a little tiny kid !!

(The Wire)

ive watcged xx hours of that show and now you have ruined it for me :eek::eek::eek:

nah just kidding, its damn shocking though! best tv program ever

oh and for the thread... heeeeeeres johnny
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Just finished watching season 1 last night. Kinda wish I hadn't clicked this thread now :(

Same here actually :(, finished watching season one a few days ago and waiting for the full boxset in the post.

The ending of The Usual Suspects probably has to be the most epic for me.
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