Tv one one wall, projector on the opposite...

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
I’m going to turn a spare room into a games room (PlayStation and switch plus some
Movie nights). It’s a narrow-ish room with patio doors to the conservatory at one end that take up the full wall and a standard door on the other which is to the side.

My hypothetical plan was to put a projector screen in front of the patio doors (concealed ideally) and a tv to the side of the entrance door as I know the projector won’t get used all the time. Not sure on seating etc yet but bear with me at this stage. There are no windows, just the patio doors, so I thought that I could put blinds in the recess where the patio doors are and the room would be dark enough for a projector. It will block access to the conservatory but it’s not used very often to be fair.

The thing I’m struggling to get my head around is what can I do to switch between outputs for the tv and projector as well the sound? I’m not looking at anything top end, possibly a sound bar or 2 or a sound bar for the tv and 2.1 for the projector? I’d even settle for the sound from the tv I guess but I’d prefer not to be switching wires about when I change if possible?

There’s no way I can get the tv and projector on the same wall so my only option is to look at putting them on opposite walls, I think.

I can take some measurements and draw a sketch tomorrow if that would help.
You can buy hdmi switches with 2 outputs so if you are going to have separate sound systems you could just plug everything into one of them and select the output
Sounds like it could the ideal solution. I’ve had a quick look and there doesn’t seem to be many that have separate audio outs. The TV would be fine as I could either run the speakers on the tv or use a sound bar connected to the tv. How would I get the audio for the projector? I’m not sure if I would need an AVR as 2.1 is probably the most I would need given it’s mainly for gaming. Thanks.
I thought you were having separate sound systems for each, so the audio would be sent with the video via hdmi when you switch to either output (tv or projector).

Alternatively you can get a HDMI matrix switch which will allow you to use both at the same time and some of those have optical outs as well but these things can get a bit troublesome when dealing with 4k. I haven't got one so can't recommend any but check the reviews for 4k compatibility.
Sounds overly complicated and better to keep both displays in the same position, for the sake of speakers always being in the right position and consoles etc.
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