Twisted People

Its things like this that really make my blood boil :@

Why on earth would any one want to do that? Personally I think the "human" who did this needs the same treatment, maybe destroy his life.

But I must say, credit to the girl for really wanting to get through it and rebuild her life.
she looks incredible after all the work, impressive how much it can change things and how much difference it makes.

Amazing that she's got the determination to keep so positive and live her life.

well played lady :)

Great respect to her for her attitude and how she has dealt with it.

I'm not sure i could cope tbh.

My thought's exactly, despite what's happened she's still managing to stay strong and rebuild her life. I personally hope they lock the guy up and throw away the key, or get him some psychiatric help because anyone who can do this to someone isn't of sound mind to me.
I can't really put into words how sickened I am. I find it sad that I have little faith in the justice system punishing the animals who did this properly. Massive amounts of respect for her.
wonder if she could get money off of the guy who did it for ruining her life / loss of money

She will get criminal injury compensation from the government although it will probably be less than £15000.

I have some facial scarring from an attack years ago so can in some small way relate to her. Cant express the admiration i have for her though as i know how tough it was for me to deal with what are by comparison, non existant injuries.
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