Twitch streaming on an FX-8350

1 Aug 2005
I have the opportunity to get one and a suitable mobo with 8 GB RAM. Is this ok for streaming? Never had an AMD machine before. Will be looking to stream Skyrim (original), maybe some Minecraft and other stuff.

I am currently using an Intel Q8400 which I don't think will be up to the job.

The AMD CPU takes up more power and I have a 550w psu but I think it'll be ok. GPU is old, an HD4870, but it's workable.
In Skyrim, the 8350 should be able to power the 4870 alright and it won't max out 8 cores. I can't speak for streaming.
Depends on the codec and resolution as well as the bitrate you're streaming at. If its a purely streaming based PC with the load being handled by another pc it should be fine if its around 720p maybe 1080p.
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