UK getting rippped off as usual

26 Nov 2003
Can someone tell me why all PC hardware seems to be considerably more expensive here. Was reading an artical on the blizzard's 7950 and that ATI were releasing it for sale on newegg for over £150 cheaper than i can find it anywhere in the UK and OCuk. Checking all other GC's they all see to be the same.. so much cheaper. Any 7900GTX is over £120 cheaper!! (YES 120 cheaper... thats about 50% more than the US price) WTF is going on here?????
Usual Suspect said:
Can someone tell me why all PC hardware seems to be considerably more expensive here. Was reading an artical on the blizzard's 7950 and that ATI were releasing it for sale on newegg for over £150 cheaper than i can find it anywhere in the UK and OCuk. Checking all other GC's they all see to be the same.. so much cheaper. Any 7900GTX is over £120 cheaper!! (YES 120 cheaper... thats about 50% more than the US price) WTF is going on here?????

Because people are dumb enough to pay the inflated prices....

Its not rocket science, if people refused to pay the high prices, the companies would reduce the price...eventually

Plus there is an element of subsidising the US consumer, because it is the largest market, they launch at a lower price to gain market share, knowing they can make back some of their losses in more profit friendly countries like the UK....this is what is happening with the Playstation 3.
like most things, they're priced at the high end of what the manufacturers/retailers can get away with. all these people in the supply chain, they're all runing a business and in it to make profit.

there's likely a large element of "what the market will bare".
which isn't gonna change anytime soon unless the market, me and you, start refusing to pay the high prices. if people stopped buying, the prices would soon come down to entice buyers back. while ever people are willing to pay at that price level, there's no incentive to change anything.
yeah.. ive heard of (dollar) release prices of the PS3.. ive said to my mates i get the Dollar figure is the same as the £ figure us UK ppl will pay. I know tax is high here but it seems to me like someone is taking the ****. Tell me.. why should it not be UK £Price = $price * Conversion + VAT?? seriously.. why not?? we all got mug stamped on our heads?

No swearing, read the FAQ.

Shops in the US don't add sales tax on to the list price either.
Each US state has it's own sales tax, and the rates vary from state to state. Usually some where between 6.5% and 8.5%.
The $6m Dan said:
Shops in the US don't add sales tax on to the list price either.
Each US state has it's own sales tax, and the rates vary from state to state. Usually some where between 6.5% and 8.5%.
More than that each county has its own sales tax rate. The county where I work has a 5.5% sales tax whilst the county where I live has a 6.5% sales tax.
BillytheImpaler said:
More than that each county has its own sales tax rate. The county where I work has a 5.5% sales tax whilst the county where I live has a 6.5% sales tax.

Blimey :eek:

At least over here you can be sure that you will be ripped off just the same no matter where you are :D

There are plenty of US companies that will ship to the UK, although It'll have extra's added on by the time it gets here. If everyone went this route, manufacturers would be forced to even prices out a bit more.
Nothing to do with Shipping and Import Duty/Taxes

My other money pit is Radio Controlled Helicopters and we see the same problem with helicopter parts. However, the damming evidence, is that we see components designed and built in the UK and then shipped across the pond selling much cheaper in the US than in the UK - that just about kills the shipping and import duty arguments.

The VAT argument isn't enough to explain away the difference either.

The reality is, that manufacturers charge more in the UK because they can and we still buy.

If everyone refused to buy then we would see prices drop but that sort of solidarity just isn't going to happen.


BillytheImpaler said:
I'd much rather pay 6.5% than 17%, good sir. :p
17.5% is actually not that high, in Holland we pay 19% and in Belgium it's 21% :(

[edit]so much for a united Europe, my backside :rolleyes: :D [/edit]
nheather said:
Nothing to do with Shipping and Import Duty/Taxes

My other money pit is Radio Controlled Helicopters and we see the same problem with helicopter parts. However, the damming evidence, is that we see components designed and built in the UK and then shipped across the pond selling much cheaper in the US than in the UK - that just about kills the shipping and import duty arguments.

The VAT argument isn't enough to explain away the difference either.

The reality is, that manufacturers charge more in the UK because they can and we still buy.

If everyone refused to buy then we would see prices drop but that sort of solidarity just isn't going to happen.


Has a good point here. a lot of stuff thats made in the UK and shipped to the US is cheaper there. How can that be. What it gets on a boat free of charge and de-values on its journey. Face it the UK shafts you.
gary996 said:
Has a good point here. a lot of stuff thats made in the UK and shipped to the US is cheaper there. How can that be.
Maybe because they sell 10 times as much in the US they take a smaller profit per item and still have the same amount of profit overall :confused:

Also the salary cost in the US is a lot less as there are a lot less government taxes an employer has to pay, that coupled with the (possibly) lower rent a store has to pay compared to the UK/Europe.
just been looking at US prices. i never realised before that there was so much difference :eek:
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