Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Latest estimates are around 450 civilians killed in a couple of weeks by Russia. Doing a terrible job targeting civilians in comparison to…

the US and UK killed approx 6500 civilians probably more in shock and awe in Iraq. (In a few weeks)

wonder where CNN were then.

The coverage and ability to tally an accurate death count of civilians in a country with next to no telecommunications infrastructure were a little different almost 20 years ago.

However, CNN did do articles on this, even the same year as the invasion:
So either:
1) They'll lying
2) Scotland consumes such an insane amount of Irn Bru that Russia only accounts for 0.1%; despite it seeming like they were big consumers

I wouldn't pass the Scots on option 2 lol

It is funny having a laugh and a joke but where do you think the lost revenue from Russia is going to be passed onto?

The little man is the only one that loses out on all this.
OK, I looked it up and apparently the missile bay can be refitted with a bomb bay that takes up to four 110kg bombs. Doesn't make Trump's proposal any less stupid.

The most expensive (per unit) 5th gen air superiority aircraft ever made flying into contested air space with a handful of JDAM gravity bombs room for air to air missils to protect itself. Hell why not send in the B2 stealth bombers then? Slap a sticker on, sorted.
Weren't you guys saying how Ukraine was against the geneva convention for feeding them bread and letting them call their mum on camera?

Surely the amazing Russians wouldn't do such an act?

It is the same thing.

It is irrelevant what the Pow are doing on camera, the very fact of putting them on camera, be it tv, or still photos, is against the Geneva convention.

So as the Ukranians have done it with Russian POW's, you don't think Russia will do it?

Although to be fair, we have not seen many, if any Ukranian POW's, so I would assume Russia just shoot them all to save transporting them.
The most expensive (per unit) 5th gen air superiority aircraft ever made flying into contested air space with a handful of JDAM gravity bombs room for air to air missils to protect itself. Hell why not send in the B2 stealth bombers then? Slap a sticker on, sorted.

It was Trump

The adults had he of actually been place to do this would have just gone yes sir done, now would you like to play with your logo this morning after watching Fox or some lovely finger painting, a new picasso today?
It is the same thing.

It is irrelevant what the Pow are doing on camera, the very fact of putting them on camera, be it tv, or still photos, is against the Geneva convention.

So as the Ukranians have done it with Russian POW's, you don't think Russia will do it?

Although to be fair, we have not seen many, if any Ukranian POW's, so I would assume Russia just shoot them all to save transporting them.
Don't worry, they got you covered with a double whammy.

It is the same thing.

It is irrelevant what the Pow are doing on camera, the very fact of putting them on camera, be it tv, or still photos, is against the Geneva convention.

So as the Ukranians have done it with Russian POW's, you don't think Russia will do it?

Although to be fair, we have not seen many, if any Ukranian POW's, so I would assume Russia just shoot them all to save transporting them.

Technically, however there is a difference in the day to day
I mean can a civilian even be tried for breaking the Geneva convention
the same feeling of disgust you have for Russia doing what it is doing in Ukraine, isn’t it obvious.

No its far from obvious

The number of civilians will probably be many many multitudes higher than that

The west don't set out to target civilians, where as russia does.
What we are seeing now it what everyone feared devastation of civilian areas in order to win by attrition when their first strategy failed
It is the same thing.

It is irrelevant what the Pow are doing on camera, the very fact of putting them on camera, be it tv, or still photos, is against the Geneva convention.

So as the Ukranians have done it with Russian POW's, you don't think Russia will do it?

Although to be fair, we have not seen many, if any Ukranian POW's, so I would assume Russia just shoot them all to save transporting them.
Notice how bruised and battered the POW'S were in the pictures released in Iraq. Compare and contrast with those taken by Ukraine. Not the same at all.
No one cared?

I cared, Im sure many did

They were very different conquests

Shock and awe destroyed a massive (albeit not highly advanced) military, so far Putins "shock and awe" seems to be mainly killing civilians.

hence why I provided you with civilian casualties estimates.

Doesn’t quite add up when you say one side is targeting civilians.
Anything not about Ukraine below the following line will be met with harsh punishments. Go on, drag it off topic again by going all historical and enjoy not being able to post for a while.

------line in the sand------
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