Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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i know they were bombing the place, i just mentioned that now they will bomb the place to the last inch...
Nothing has changed. They are bombing the same. They only paused to allow evacuation due to international pressure. The civilians were of zero concern, they never were. They are already happy to declare on national TV that any that disagree with the invasion should die, and that includes people seeking shelter.
The interface on that TB-2 looks kind of different, is it a newer model or is it a different camera? Also in English for whatever reason.

Lots of surveillance going on in that area I see the RQ-4B drone has resumed overwatch black sea duties this evening

Off too bed but thinking would be nice for an upset to the upcoming victory parade ...perhaps one of the many available atgm variants can make an appearance at red square for monday;)
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The current footage of two Su-27's attacking Snake Island is interesting from a tactics point of view (other than the more layman "Cool" etc). The 1st SU27 had a weapons release error (possible SMS programming issue) where the 1st bomb it dropped exploded prematurely, nearly taking the wingman out and the second bomb dropped seemed to be dropped long missing the target (the far left of the island) and, from the footage at least, doesn't seem to explode. The attack from the 2nd Su-27 was much better with a good delay on the weapons to allow the aircraft to escape any frag patterns and good accuracy on the 2nd bomb to just catch the end of the island (which I believe is a dock). Overall the attacks came in at a good height, good speed and appeared to be, other than whatever issues happened with the 1st aircraft, a well executed attack with obvious planning taking days (TB2's took out all Air Defence on the island over the last few days to enable this attack).

SU-27's aren't really designed as a true multi-role aircraft as they're designed primarily to be just fighters. However they were designed, almost as a last resort really, so that they be fitted with dumb bombs (no different than WW2 bombs) so to see this level of accuracy at night from a platform not specifically designed for attacks like this was impressive.


Just seen the new footage of the MI-8 and two more patrol boats (so now 4 in total) all being hit on Snake Island by TB2 over the past day. The Russians are really paying a steep price for trying to keep Snake Island but, just like Kherson airfield where the Russians have suffered their 23rd/24th artillery strike with each one destroying more and more Russian helicopters, they seem to to be unable to adapt a pre-prepared plan when it all goes wrong and will keep throwing Lives and equipment away as long as they follow the plan - absolute lunacy from the commanders!
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The current footage of two Su-27's attacking Snake Island is interesting from a tactics point of view

I suspect they were hampered by the considerations for speed, ruling out the SU-25s with long range tanks and rocket pods they've been using elsewhere, and having to stay low and tight to minimise potential exposure to longer range Russian ship and shore air-defence systems which may be active. (I might be wrong but with the SU-27 speed I think they can extend the distance* the missiles have to chase beyond their range despite the installations being in range).

While Snake Island might have been defanged I'm guessing they were in range of S-300 (just about) and S-400 installations and ship based BUK variants, etc. potentially.

EDIT: Not gonna go into details but thinking on it I think this is part of a bigger strategy.

* With the Moskva gone it would depend on close support from frigates to easily put missiles on them from longer range systems.
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Just a quick question.

This military “aid” we and the west in general are sending is for free right?

As some of my sceptic, nato are equally to blame type, family members insist this is just another opportunity for the west to make money and are selling Ukraine weapons or loaning them with strings attached / expecting payment later down the line.
Just a quick question.

This military “aid” we and the west in general are sending is for free right?

As some of my sceptic, nato are equally to blame type, family members insist this is just another opportunity for the west to make money and are selling Ukraine weapons or loaning them with strings attached / expecting payment later down the line.

Yes. The lend lease from the US probably won't be.
Most of what is talked about as "aid" doesn't come at a direct cost to Ukraine. Some of it comes with conditions though which may have a cost/terms down the line. As above some of the stuff like lend-lease may have a future cost for Ukraine when/if they are in a better position to service it and some stuff Ukraine is outright buying.
Nothing is for free. Whilst there will be no pressure on Ukrain they will be in the Wests debt.

When this is all over and the infrastructure is rebuilt a few years down the line then Ukrain will start start pay back in roundabout ways.

This will be with trade and arms sales. Ukrain isn't a poor country, it's resources are vast, especially in the Wheat, corn and sunflower oil, as well as steel, iron ore etc.

They have plenty ways to pay back their backers without any real pressure to do so.

The biggest thing to remember though is this help wasn't just out of the kindness of our hearts, Nato has plenty reasons to see Russia weakened and humiliated

It's worth every penny to practically destroy Russia without having to fire a single bullet.
Nothing is for free. Whilst there will be no pressure on Ukrain they will be in the Wests debt.

When this is all over and the infrastructure is rebuilt a few years down the line then Ukrain will start start pay back in roundabout ways.

This will be with trade and arms sales. Ukrain isn't a poor country, it's resources are vast, especially in the Wheat, corn and sunflower oil, as well as steel, iron ore etc.

They have plenty ways to pay back their backers without any real pressure to do so.

The biggest thing to remember though is this help wasn't just out of the kindness of our hearts, Nato has plenty reasons to see Russia weakened and humiliated

It's worth every penny to practically destroy Russia without having to fire a single bullet.

They will also be able to supply cheap oil and gas to the EU which is what this is all about anyways
They will also be able to supply cheap oil and gas to the EU which is what this is all about anyways

No, oil is going the way of the dinosaurs and countries who still use oil for transport or heating in a decade should face very high carbon credit costs.

Oil and coal needs to become more expensive than all other forms of energy.

gas on the other hand is also bad but the infrastructure is useful, gas pipelines can quite easily be used to transport Hydrogen and the gas appliances and heating in your home can already run on a mixture of hydrogen
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Just a quick question.

This military “aid” we and the west in general are sending is for free right?

As some of my sceptic, nato are equally to blame type, family members insist this is just another opportunity for the west to make money and are selling Ukraine weapons or loaning them with strings attached / expecting payment later down the line.

Nothing is free, IMF and various organizations are loaning out money its not free. Military equipment provided through lend lease must be returned at the end of the war, anything not returned must be paid for.

But the military aid is the least of the problem, not all military aid will be paid for. Its what comes after the war that will cost, when this war ends Ukraine will ask for the world for a few hundred billion dollars and every cent of that will need to be repaid with interest

But despite the costs involved, the world will be happy to oblige and rebuild Ukraine because Ukraine has much to sell the world, Ukraine can produce enough food to feed all of Europe (as an example) and the world needs that food to prevent the poor from starving
Nothing has changed. They are bombing the same. They only paused to allow evacuation due to international pressure. The civilians were of zero concern, they never were. They are already happy to declare on national TV that any that disagree with the invasion should die, and that includes people seeking shelter.
More like it gave them a chance to move forward, which they did, the second to last evacuation allowed the Russians to enter the complex.
Hilarious!!. In any war or war type situation NO Govt gives a XXXX about the ordinary grunt. They are looking at the bigger picture.

You might think that's true but I don't, training good quality troops has a large investment/cost of it's own, it may be more of a fiscal thing than a "caring about lives" thing, but you can be sure we'd not just throw away troops for no good reason.
They may not at an indivdual level but they care about votes and country moral, 1000's of body bags coming home each week isn't a good look and if a British goverment told the army to use tatics similar to that of Russians where soldiers are sent in suicidal attacks there would very quickly be a revolt at all army levels. Also western governments are subject to a free press, I recall during Iraq the equipment we were using wasn't up to scratch or wasn't suitable for the desert environment and the government was forced to step in and get it sorted that just wouldn't happen with the Russians. All out troops get 1st rate training, taught survival skills and are given proper body armor and have access to state of the art weapons, we don't round up scores of young men and through into combat at the drop of the hat.

First thing that happens in a real war is the press get muzzled. Iraq was not on the same level. Did the Yanks stop in Vietnam when they got body bags coming home? I suppose our soldiers never raped, murdered or looted either.
Just a quick question.

This military “aid” we and the west in general are sending is for free right?

As some of my sceptic, nato are equally to blame type, family members insist this is just another opportunity for the west to make money and are selling Ukraine weapons or loaning them with strings attached / expecting payment later down the line.

It is absolutely a bonanza for arms suppliers. The suppliers are spending stock that will have to be replaced.

According to this week's economist, the US has sent 7,000 javelin systems to Ukraine, and that is around one third of their stock. Those need replacing, which could take up to three years.

If the war continues, suppliers will be in an increasingly difficult position as they have to balance their own military needs against the regency of supplying Ukraine.

I guess the nightmare scenario would be a renaissance of Islamic state.

With Russia committed in Ukraine, the sahel is likely to get hot again, too.
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